
Why does Obama want to destroy all our nukes and let Iran build them?

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won't we be in a lot of trouble if we don't have any nukes and Iran does?? is it just me or does this seem extremely stupid?




  1. No, it's not just you.  That's extremely stupid.

  2. That's straight out of the democrats play book, disarm America while negotiating with terrorists. Milk toast Jimmy Carter negotiated with Iran while our people were held hostage, as soon as Reagan took office the hostages were freed. Why ? because Iran knew he would not negotiate, but would blow them away. Peace through strength, something the democrats still haven't figured out.

  3. Another one of his ideas that just won't wash with the American people!  The only thing that has kept this country from an all out war with Russia or China is the fact that they know that if they attack us they age going down with us!  If Iran gets the bomb, they would be willing to die to take us down because they would all go to heaven & have the 70 virgins waiting for them!  Wonder what the women get in those countries!

  4. Because Obama wants America to be held hostage to Iran just like our embassy personnel were held hostage in Iran in 1979. Obama is not stupid. He is evil.

  5. That's easy.  Because he's a liberal.

  6. Plain and simple:

    Obama is a stupid, peace-mongering democrat who will end up getting the US destroyed.

    If not by Iran, then by an Illegal Immigrant Invasion from Mexico.

  7. I guess if you over simplify it ... just about anything intelligent can sound stupid.  Good show!  NOT!

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