
Why does Obamma want to take more of our money to help the rest of the world?

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Obamma tried to pass some law or bill the other day to take more of our money and more money out of our countries budget to end world hunger and all that stuff. Until people in our country are fed and housed how can he advocate helping all these other people. Also, with immigration I agree in a perfect world everyone could coem over here and enjoy a good life but if we let everyone in our country is just goig to go to h**l and be just as crappy as mexico and these other countries. Dont vote for barrack hussein or hillary, they want to make this a socialist ountry.




  1. No.

  2. Because he wants to replace my own initative of what i do with my money.  My needs are of course unimportant and trivial. just because I earned it doesnt mean I have a right to it.  also government should replace God and be worshipped for all the wonderful things it does.

  3. because we trust on him

  4. I bet you wouldn't give India foreign aid for a typhoon until Katrina is all fixed, huh? I've never met more selfish people in my life than here on Y!A

  5. Because it's "compassionate", silly!!  Remember, productive people will work for strangers forever(*)!!

  6. The reason why we live so well is because

    we borrow money from everyone. China is

    single handedly keeping America afloat  with loans.

    China makes the product we consume, and

    then takes the profits, it loans back to us, we

    have to pay them back with interest. Were

    paying them twice for everything we consume.

    Conservatives have gotten way out of line with

    spending. Freedom no matter what the cost.

    I want the US to get the h**l out of Iraq.  But I

    also do not want socialized Healthcare for everyone.

    Your health is your responsibilty.  We have socialized healthcare that would be The Iraq war times 100 in en economic terms.

  7. A shame that some people don't even know enough to spell Senator Obama's name correctly, or use correct grammar.  

    With no intention of voting for Obama or Hillary, it still seems to me that we ARE our "brother's keeper", including all of those who weren't lucky enough to be born in the U.S.  And many of those are at the point of starvation or genocide, but can be helped at very low cost per person.  In many countries even a few pennies a day can save a life. Do you understand this concept of "cost effectiveness"?.

    Our own poor are FAR better off, with many nearby volunteer charities in addition to federal, state and municipal aid.

    What have YOU done for either the poor of our country or for the starving elsewhere?

  8. Bush raped this economy and drove America into the second world and you're worried about Obama??

    Get your priorities straight.

  9. Wait until he gets in office.  Your tax dollars will be propping up Africa like you've never seen before.  The person who put him in the public's eye took the money she made from mostly Americans and sunk it into Africa instead of her own.

    We will be the world's piggy bank, so pray for a raise just to help you make ends meet.

  10. Because this is---one world government thinking...For many years now this nation has not had a president who believes in taking care of Americans first----Hello--the government can only give us or give to others those things that they take from us called-Taxes.----the government does not earn they take and use it for their power base.

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