
Why does Osama Bin Laden have more status in the world than President Bush?

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Why does Osama Bin Laden have more status in the world than President Bush?




  1. What makes you think ole rag head has more status?  I guess if you are a raghead you would think that way

  2. why are you asking irrelevant *** questions?

  3. Because George Bush is universally disliked by most of the free world.  Warmongers usually aren't very popular.

  4. Better publicist. Besides, Osama  knows how to play the media like a violin.

    But I think that dpj5 has got it right.

  5. Well he certainly doesn't with me.

  6. Because his left wing ideals swing more toward other socialist countries.

  7. Ludicrous question!!!!

    Bin Laden is hiding somewhere in a cave and is a murderer.  Many fear him and will not go against for fear of his crazy friends would kill them.

    President Bush has much more "status' than Bin Ladin.

  8. Those big crowds were not there to see him they were there for the free beer and concerts

  9. He doesn't.

  10. Because I believe everyone is looking for someone to trust in................for the last 71/2 years there has been constant doubt of that trust...........But as far as, Big Bin goes, I think you are wrong........he's no good also.......he's just another cowardly bum teaching men to fight for another phony cause.If they put a charactor like me in charge, there would be no training bases left anywhere in that area.  They would have been bombed a long time ago.........just more kids being brain washed. He can be found if somebody wants to find him. All these guys are just figure heads for the power under or behind them. Just pray for the soldiers and families and be proud of them. Don't let them down. Help get them out of this mess.

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