
Why does Palin drag some of her off limit kids to parade in the news with her?

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I thought her kids < are off limits >




  1. oh no, you misunderstand, her kids are to be used when needed.

  2. You mean like the Obama&#039;s did with their children in the t.v. interview? I&#039;ve not seen or heard any of Palin&#039;s kids say anything. Your double standard is showing again.

  3. AWESOME question.

    If families are off limits and irrelevant, then why did Michelle Obama get the opening night speech at the DNC?

    Obama is going out of his way to be friendly and accomodating and &quot;above politics as usual&quot; but as far as I am concerned, all&#039;s fair...Karl Rove got a degenerate r****d elected TWICE by obeying that maxim (all&#039;s fair).

    I say it is open season on the hockey mom and her kids...especially the sinfully pregnant S****y one.


  4. Well considering everyone is including their families in this thing...would you have rather her left the &quot;off limit kids&quot; at home and brought the rest?  How would that have looked?

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