
Why does Palin think God created the world in the year 6004 BC?

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Why does Palin think God created the world in the year 6004 BC?




  1. Because she is stupid.

  2. Alaska apparently has a substandard public school system and going to college at Hawaii Pacific and Northern Idaho won't do a whole lot to improve on that.

    McCain 894 out of 899 at Naval Academy (Lucky for him he was the son of an Admiral)

    Palin degree in journalism from Idaho

    Obama law degree from Harvard

    Biden law degree fro Syracuse

    The difference in education between the candidates is pretty apparent.

  3. Same reason Barack and Michelle believe that "America's chickens have come home to roost" and the government created AIDS.  Because it's a free country for the moment and people can believe whatever gets them through the day.

  4. Sorry to break to you fundies, but here is the TRUTH.

  5. You do realize that one can believe that God created the Universe previous to the Bible being written, right?  You may want to bone up a little on your Christianity theory before you post.

  6. You got any proof it wasn't.

  7. Cite your sources.

    We encourage members to use online resources in answering and asking questions. Just be sure to cite your sources and give credit where it is due.

  8. She's the only candidate of the 4 who actually believes in God.

    The other 3 are lying and going through the motions.

  9. When did she say that?

  10. Where did she say that?

    You democrats are obviously scared by her being more qualified than your boy.

  11. You forgot to list your source. I'm sure it was an oversight.

  12. That's absurd. The world was created last Thursday.

    A better question to ask is why do half of all Americans agree with her? That is the real tragedy, the failure of every other person to understand and accept such an important scientific concept as evolution. The bigger problem is that people will get elected because either they are ignoramuses themselves or know how to exploit such ignorance. To the people who usually vote Republican, her creationist beliefs will only be seen as a good thing.

  13. Creationism is the doctrine that each individual human soul is created by God and that the origin of things is due to an event or process of creation brought about by the deliberate act of any divine entity such as god or a creator.  

    She also stated that, if elected, she would not push the state Board of Education to add such creation-based alternatives to the state’s required curriculum.

    It does not say that man is infallible. The Bible is held to be the Word of God, but it is written by men, who are imperfect.

  14. 6005, i believe. Go back to your Nintendo Wii!

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