
Why does Panama not want to complete the Interamerican highway to Colombia?

by Guest21376  |  earlier

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could opening up one road be so dangerous? is it not easier to monitor road traffic through checkpoints than people in the jungle?




  1. The opening of the Darien Gap is really a political problem, rather than a border issue.

    First the region is a dangerous area.  The Colombian rebels (FARC) operate in that area, as well as the other paramilitary forces.  Opening the gap, would give them easier access to that region.

    Also the drug trade will intensify around that highway, as well as illegal firearms, and G-d knows what, and I really don't believe that I will present a real solution, or increase commerce between Panama and Colombia.  Besides Panama and Colombia are having a commercial dispute at the WTO for trade between the Colon Free Zone and Colombia, accusing the free zone products of being contraband, etc.  So really it won't present an improvement.

    Also Panama wants to stay far away from the security issues that are facing daily life in Colombia.  Panama doesn't want the kidnappings for ransom, or violent attacks on institutions, individuals and the like.  

    I know it sounds awful, and I know all of Colombia is not like that, but the amount of resources that have to be put in place to open the Darien Gap and keep it safe, is just too much for Panama to deal with; and Colombia can't deal with that as well.

    Presidential elections are next year in Panama, so I doubt any serious thought will be given to this matter, as this the first Presidential candidate to actually propose opening the Darien Gap will find his popularity in the floor in a matter of minutes.

  2. Because it will cut into profits in the Panama Canal

  3. panama does not want the same problems mexico has. the drug lords could run rampant in this poor country. they had a war to get one drug dealer out of office. the country would be a major transportation hub if they did

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