
Why does Prince Albert from Monaco holding back on getting married?

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In a recent interview of the prince, he stated that if he was to marry, he would most likley wait until he accents to the throne of Monaco. Like his father did Prince Rainee. So now he accented, why is he still single?




  1. Committment phobia, is my guess.

  2. He has no need to marry, really...he gets all the action that he wants unmarried so why bother? He will still have Caroline,his sister,and Andrea,her son, as the next in line to the throne if he doesn't marry. But,perhaps,his current girlfriend will finally land him!

  3. Because he's a playboy who lives in a casino resort country for the ultra rich and famous and probably has a gaggle of casino s****s to bed with on a moments notice so why should he buy the cow, etc ,etc

  4. I don't know as there is really weird laws for the Rinaldi family to marry

  5. I think it probably has a lot to do with him being a play boy he likes to play around so why get married? He clearly hasn’t meet that woman who he feels he could be solely committed too. If he wanted children who could actual be in line for throne then he would have to marry since his illegitimate  children can not ever take the throne, which is often the case in Royal families.

  6. Why would he buy a book when he already owns the library? He is surrounded by gorgeous women, already has a couple of children, and apparently has no desire to marry. They changed the law so his sister could succeed him if he died , so there is no big need for him to provide a legitimate heir now. He lives his life as he likes....I guess its his own business, not ours.

  7. Because he is getting all the booty he wants without being married, so why bother?

    For him it is a losing proposition...he already has children, he already has wealth, and he has hot and cold running booty on tap. The only other reason to get married is for someone to take care of him and provide companionship as he ages...and guess what, he is the King of Monaco. There will ALWAYS be someone around to make conversation and to wipe his drool and butt.

    Why ruin a good thing and risk his current wealth with a marriage???

  8. "accents" to the throne? Now he is "accented"? Perhaps some time utilizing the dictionary is preferable to perusing the tabloids.

  9. Because he has promised to his beloved sister Caroline that her son will be the heir....

  10. As we are not Prince Albert and you appear to want to know the ins and outs of his life, how about you contact the palace in Monaco and ask him in a letter ?

  11. The word is "ascend" (as in rise up) to the throne, not "accent" as if in speaking.

    Why should he?  His sister, Caroline, has plenty of kids already to take care of any Grimaldi heir to the throne.  Albert can simply enjoy the time and money he has.

    And his father's name is Prince Rainier, not Rainee.

  12. Probably his boyfriend won't stand for it....

  13. accents?! he speaks perfect English! his mother is American!

    WTF accents the throne?!

    Prince Rainee?  R A I N I E R!

    Prince Albert is g*y!

  14. maybe hes g*y or prefers to be single!

    I know if i were a prince id take a lonnnnnnnnnnnng time a finding my wifey

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