
Why does Puerto Rico have so much trash on the beaches?

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Not only on the beaches but also on the roads. I see dead animals,engines,and empty trash cans. Should I send pictures to the PR tourism board to show what it really looks like?




  1. Wow thats a huge exageration. I have lived in Puerto Rico & in New Jersey & PA. Sure you sometimes see trash in PR but I see just as much trash in NJ & at the NJ shore. You won't typically see dead animals, engines & empty trash cans on the road or beaches in PR. Myabe occasionally or if you go to a bad area, but this isn't the norm. Yeh beer bottles & litter is common but not what u are saying. Stop exagerating..

  2. PR is poor...almost everyone who lives there is poor..same with the Dominican Republic.

  3. Because some people, not everyone, just don't care about the environment.  They think the government is in charge of everything and they do not cooperate.  That's just it.  It's the same as killing, crime, robberies, etc.  

    But hey, I love my little island.

  4. becuase puerto rico is too poor to afford any type of cleaning system even though the United States own puerto rico..

  5. It is a sad fact but a lot of puertoricans litter without any concern at all.  Some people just doesn't understand the stupidity of trowing thing out of a car window, on the beach and even around a trash can and not inside of it!

    This people where not educated when there where children and it is a habit for them. The Government doesn't have a good campaign against  this. The municipalities doesn't have enough resources to collect all the trash and abandoned vehicles, except for a few like Guaynabo.

    The problem is way down to each individual character. This could be improve with a strong campaign and with a high price infraction system.

    I am sorry that you view this situation and yes you should transmit your concerns to as many agencies as you can.

    Post some photos and or videos on to let people know.

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