
Why does R&S section make for most visceral fun?

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I find myself being drawn to this section all the time and have burnt many a hour here.

I chalk it up to the base human instinct of seeing others make fools of themselves. What do you think?

Oh, and by the way, I have atheist leanings.




  1. Some people obtain a sadistic pleasure at throwing darts at people who are seriously attached to some concept the sadistic individuals find beneath their intellectual status.

    The paradox of course is that for every action one takes there is an opposite and equal reaction coming at one as part of ones Karmic debts at some point in ones future.


  2. It's just the sheer amount of questions also. You can never be bored.

  3. Yeah, it's the stupidity, the ignorance, the humour and laughs at others peoples' expense.

    But even the Christians know that it's us atheists who make the experience so much more enjoyable with our wits and sarcasm. I'm proud to say that R&S wouldn't be the same without us.

    Amen to that :)

  4. Sounds like you and I both need to scout for babes.

  5. It's because most of us have diets that are unusually high in babby, thus providing the kind of constitution needed for such undertakings.

  6. Because it makes me look sane for once.

  7. this section has the whole spectrum, from rational atheists to emotional end of the worlders.

  8. Did you know that Atheist are the children  of the Devil, for they try to hurt the word of God,  meaning you are evil, and the reason why your life sucks is  because you don't have God in your life. so please ask God forgiveness. and he will forgive you. because God loves you please remember it

  9. I don't know. Between this and the politics section there is so much fun to be had. When I want a more serious discussion I try out the philosophy or social sciences sections.

    There is something rewarding about seeing people make total idiots out of themselves, and most people's political and religious beliefs are idiotic. When you combine strong emotions with a lack of analytic rigor, the results are usually hilarious!  

  10. R&S seems to be an odd mix.  On the one hand, you see some people making fools of them selves (as you say).  On the other hand, you see some really good discussions.

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