
Why does Republic of Ireland have so few born again Christians?

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Is it colonialism's negative impact, or the tyranny of the denominational Churches there???




  1. I have BACs on both sides of my family, and they are such a pain. They make such outrageous and hurtful statements, and are so tactless, and get away with it because they are talking about their 'faith'. The ones I know only turned to it because their marriages/relationships have turned very sour and they feel they cannot leave these marriages, so they have cocooned themselves in this BAC rhetoric. In their case it's an extreme form of denial, and I feel sad for them - until I see them and they start going on about how evil I am for being a Pagan, what a w***e my sister is for rearing her two children by herself. I don't begrudge them their relationship with God or Christ, it's good and very important to have a spiritual guide of some sort in one's life especially when they are going through tough times; but when people get all hardline and judgemental, that's not good. Needless to say, my own contact with them is brief at best.

    In my own experience, BACs are just like fundamentalists everywhere, and blind to anything but their own convictions. However, that said, I stress that this is from my own experience, and that there likely to be plenty of moderate BACs out there who are not judgemental, not in denial, not tactless, not hardcore.

  2. After all the c**p that has gone on there over the years no one believes in God anymore.

  3. Because we are all cradle catholics, or protestants! Baptised at birth or as soon as, this is after all a very religious country.

    Why does it bother you that we have so few "so called born again Christians"

    Isn't religion a private matter not to be discussed as it causes so many arguments, violence & war.

  4. Because of the crimes committed by the Catholic church against the Irish people.....that is why people in Ireland are no longer interested in God and the Church....Priests using your children for their sexual pleasure and what did the catholic church do...blame the child first then if forced move the priest to another area where he could start all over again......

  5. Because most people are already Christian - born and raised Catholic even if they don't practise any longer.

  6. they are a very nice and decent community over there..the north are the Godless ones the majority are all Catholics and will someone please shove something in shophies

  7. The Republic is mainly a Roman Catholic country - god fearing and fairly christian. I would think that in that case that being 'born again' would make little difference in such a country.

    I would raise the question as to why other countries citizens feel the need to be born again - is it because of the way in which religion is not approached in those countries?

  8. Because there is only one true church i.e. catholic.

  9. i have a few evangelical friends but i suspect the answer is the power the catholic church held over the people of Ireland. The church had a finger in every aspect of Irish life, people like eamon de valera made the church even more powerful and for centuries they ruled the roost.  Other religions were seen as evil and in particular protestantism was seen as english

    the churches power here in ireland is now waning after all the scandels of recent years, there are far more atheists in ireland now than ever before, many new religions are entering the country.  In 20-30 years times the catholic church will be struggling

  10. erection.

  11. there are all mad in the south! am from the north! its completly different!

  12. coz  most  people  here  are  very  committed  catholics

  13. They're just getting themselves out of the clutches of the Catholic church and no longer will be dictated to nor bullied bysome hectoring priest or prissy faced dried up old biddy of a nun!

  14. Most are good Christians (Catholics) they don't need to be part of a cult.

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