
Why does Republican Governor Sarah Palin have a 90% approval rating in Alaska? ?

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Why does Republican Governor Sarah Palin have a 90% approval rating in Alaska? ?




  1. 80%

    Because she ran on a clean-government platform and did what she said: opposed corruption even in her own party, stood against oil companies, denying them continued business welfare, and has increased Alaska's economy by 3% per year by establishing awards for international business.

  2. Because she's a d**n good governor.  She's done more for the people in 2 years than any other in Alaska's history.

    If the lower 48 doesn't want her we'll welcome her home, sell our oil and gas to China and let the lower 48 freeze in the dark.

  3. 627,000 people?

    not hard to be the home town hero....even small city's have more people in them

  4. Because she's done a good job creating jobs. People are happy when they're making good money and enjoying a comfortable lifestyle.

  5. Not true. Even if, this doesn't change the fact that she's not fit for becoming VP.

  6. she sucks a lot of ..... you know. LOL

  7. It's not that high anymore. It has been falling ever since the Troopergate scandal.

  8. Because she has gotten rid of corrupt politicians ( both Repub and Dem) she has cut wasteful spending, she has put money back into citizens pocket, she has pretty much shut down the good old boy network in Alaska, she has reminded people that regular people make the best politicians and really know what is going on in Alaska.

  9. it's 80%. but it's become 65%.

    my guess, it's because there's like 600,000 people in all of Alaska.  

  10. Maybe beacuse she is a very good governor indeed.

  11. HELLO PUT UP THE POPULATION AND THEN ASK!! You guys dont get it do you.We cannot be easily persuaded by bullshit like you all can.Listening to Bush dumb *** messed us up and I will be d**n if we get 4 more years of that!!! Palin does not help his campaign so get off of it.ITS OVER HE ****** UP AND THATS THAT

  12. 80% and it's because she put her people ahead of the government.  People felt like she was looking out for them and that she was representing their interests.  She lowered their taxes and stood firm against corruption.    

  13. because she has only been on the job for less than a year...... so why would the majority of people who elected her, not rate her high when they are the ones who put her in office?

    what are most govenor's ratings in their first year?

  14. Do they even have TV in alaska??  

  15. From everything I heard she is really working for the people.

    She really has done a lot of good for the citizens she represents, and I think with a number that high, I heard it was 80% which is still phenominal, she must be doing more than just talking.

    I also think it is this high approval rating that has the dems and libs so concerned and attacking her on anything they can find. I really think Palin is that good, and she is going to change Washington, and people are very scared.

    After the fact thoughts:

    I find it disgusting that people, who are so set on attacking this woman, discount everything. Alaska isn't big enough. She does inappropriate sexual things. She is hot and appeals to the cromagnen neolithic barbarians who live in Alaska.

    It is sad that the people who are chanting, "CHange we can believe in", and "Yes we can" fall right back into the politics of the past and do the exact same things that have always been done.

    Instead of looking at what she has done and really studying her actions, you cheapen and discount her just because of her party affiliation.

    What about her accomplishments as a governor? What about her accomplishments as a mom, and an American? Everyone is so anxious to call her down for everything, but her son is fighting for his country. There are not that many people who instill in their kids the belief that freedom isn't free, and someone has to defend it.

    Nobody on the other side seems to want to see anything but the negative and what can be thrown at her to hurt her.

    The actions of many on this forum shows just how much change we can expect from Borat Obomot and his followers.

  16. Alaskans are mostly male, and she's cute looking, and on top of that, she bought them all off, I mean sent them a tax rebate check from oil company tax windfalls.

  17. Because she and her attorney are suppressing the findings of the TROOPERGATE scandal. In fact this is the official statement from her attorney:

    “Our concern is that Hollis French [the Anchorage Democrat and former state prosecutor who is project director for the legislative investigation] turns into Ken Starr and uses public money to pursue a political vendetta rather than truly pursue an honest inquiry into an alleged ethics issue,” Van Flein said in an interview.

    So now we see that her attorney admits that the whole Ken Starr / Bill Clinton investigation was a poltically motivated vendetta.

  18. I have heard something about this woman Sarah Palin, someone said," if the father rapes his daugther, and then the daugther get baby, she needs keeping pregnancy until the infant were born."

    is that true?

    Oh, goch, how come Sarah Palin allow that things happen?

  19. Maybe she does a good job there.  That does not mean that she would be good for the vice presidency of the most powerful nation on earth.   Alaska is a rural state with a rural population.   That does not qualify her for politics at a national and global level.


  21. actually it is more like 65|% and most republican leaders do not think she is up to the job

  22. Most working people.... well all working people... do not like paying taxes. We don't like having our tax money wasted, given away to other people, or stolen by corrupt polititions. Sarah Palin defeated a fellow Republican Govenor in a primary race fought on government corruption.

    She put the state jet on Ebay.

  23. Because she is a strong family woman who is tough on political & government corruption and successfully governs the 6th wealthiest (per capita income) state in our country .

  24. I heard it was 80%, but that is still very good.

  25. Because it has the population of a major state city.  I'm guessing my mayor has a high approval rating too.

  26. it was 80%....but don't look now it is probably dropping like a ROCK!!!!

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