
Why does Ronald Reagan get a pass from everyone?

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As I remember it Ronald Reagan negotiated with and sold weapons to Iran. He also supported various south American dictators supplying them with guns and money. And his refusal to support the known science about AIDS accepting the wide spread panic that was engulfing the nation at the time. I also remember the 1980's for record swelling of the national debt, and generally ruinous economic policy. So why do people now refer so fondly to Reagan? in my opinion that guy kinda screwed the US over. Kinda funny when you think about the fact that we impeach Democrats for getting BJ's.




  1. I asked a similar question because I feel the same about it and got no satisfying answer. All I can do is speculate.

    It seems to me that there must have been a media campaign somewhere behind this (maybe very clever and subliminal) to effect that change in image.

    The notion that Reagan "defeated Communism" is as ridiculous as my rooster's notion that without his calling the sun would not rise in the morning. The Soviet empire collapsed under its own weight, and it was Gorbatshev who decided it was time to call it an era.

    Or maybe it's just people's forgetfulness and stupidity, and the need to fondly remember "better times", although they are only better seen through the rose-tinted glasses of nostalgia.

  2. Because he was successful is write the history books...losers become democrats and liberals

  3. reagen gets a pass cause carter was p footing with terrosists in the arab countries, he told em when im in office there will be no more negotiating. and as far as omar kadaffi did you forget about him.

    reagan didnt play, he told the pilots take care of and tell me in the morning. bush jr was the first press to be taken serious by kadaffi

    he handed over the money and terrorists for the pan am 103 terrorists attack. reagen was the one that gave us our backbone back.

    as far as the economic, you gripe cause he didnt give money to every

    known cause, he was reserved and wanted the info before sending money anywhere, reagen signed some important bills while in office.

    do research.

    reagen fixed alot while in office, but somethings took longer to pass and put into effect so some presidents got the credit even tho it was a bill signed by reagen.

    look up lebanon 1982 and see what ronnie did.

    after all the democratic bull, reagen was shining like a star trying to fix the messes from the 70s.

    as far as iran contra scandal, it was low key and not tax payers footing the bill.i commend ronnie on that. watch the movie it was good.

    ollie north movie.

  4. other then JFK, he was the most loved president in my life time

  5. Hey moron. Here is why Ron sold the weapons. The Iran-Contra affair  was revealed in 1986 as a result of earlier events during the Reagan administration. It began as an operation to increase U.S.-Iranian relations, wherein Israel would ship weapons to a moderate, politically influential group of Iranians opposed to the Ayatollah Khomeini; the U.S. would reimburse Israel with those weapons and receive payment from Israel. The moderate Iranians agreed to do everything in their power to achieve the release of six U.S. hostages, who were being held by Hezbollah.  And who gives a d**n about his support of AIDs. Why should the US Government & It's tax payers you & me pay for this c**p coming from Africa, g**s & Druggies. Of course, national debt increased. He had to rebuild our military after the "Nut" case democrat Jimmy Carter dismantled our Military. And our economics was great under Reagan when you compare him to that Fruit cake president democrat Jimmy Carter.  So it's kind of mislead you really are. I hope they test you before you vote.

  6. What he said.

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