
Why does Rush Limbaugh call Obama the messiah? ?

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Why does Rush Limbaugh call Obama the messiah? ?




  1. Because despite his scary tax policies and other bone headed ideas, the huge flock of sheeple thing he is the greatest! Sheeple are often sucked in by rock star snake oil salesmen and are often shallow people who will beleve that raising taxes will save us from a depression.

  2. Jealousy ?

  3. hey meja i thought about you the other day-go thru my 360 ok? es la  santiago with la the horse in az

  4. drug induced visions

  5. Well, if it looks like a sheep and smells like a sheep.............. bama thinks he is the messiah and all his little cult members are folowing him to the arsnic laced grape kool-aid!!! What would you say

  6. He's being sarcastic.  

  7. Because he's evil.  And evil people are often sacrilegious.  And he probably sercretly admires him, too.

  8. Because he's being treated as one.

    Ladies swoon and faint as they hear him talk.  He talks about the rising of the oceans stopping, and the healing of the planet is beginning.  He's mentioned a light from above will shine upon you and tell you to vote for the guy named Barack.

    Ultimately, it's because he's peddling hope and change, with no real qualifications or experience to be president, and people are just eating this stuff up, including members of the press like Chris Matthews who said he gets a tingle up his leg hearing the guy.

  9. Must've got that crucifix stuck in his pilonidal cyst again.

  10. Because the "un bias" media seem to think that he is the next coming of the Lord.

  11. Sarcasm is the right answer.

    He is making fun of those who seem to kneel at his feet - fainting in his presence!

    One journalist actually said he felt weak in the knees around Obama!

  12. Messiah means "The Anointed One". That's what the DNC does whether anyone likes it or not.

  13. Because the drive by media treats him like the messiah. its half mocking the media attention and half mocking the lack of real and objective media coverage Obama gets

  14. It means the King who brings hope which is actually a complement I like when people say these things. He is jealous just like the people who listen to him were jealous when he went to German,etc. this is why McCain's polls went up they are jealous people & liked when the Britney ad came out. I like all the comments they make like emty suite makes me think of how s**y he is & of Empty brain McCain.

  15. Moronic sound bite that is eaten up by morons..........

  16. Because Rush secretly desires big black .....

  17. Because he wants to be sarcastic and at the same time make people think that Obama is a grandiose, dangerous narcissistic personality, devoid of substance who would be a threat to average people. Unfortunately it's McCain who possesses these dangerous characteristics. He also wants religious people to think of Obama as being sacrilegious,in therms of the Messiah name and scare them further. None of this will work however.

  18. LOL, because Rush is an oxycontin addicted, hypocrite, moron.

  19. Because Soros and OUR MEDIA have put him up on that pedastal.

  20. Rush isn't able to argue on the issues successfully.

  21. Because Rush, the LIEing  Repulsive Sack-a-Shitt that he is,  is upset he wasn't included in cropping-altering these PHONEY Videos from Sept. 11th.  or maybe cuz his hemroids are Inflamed from too much Bend-over Squeal-Like-a-PIG-action.  ??  ..

  22. Because the idiots who listen to him eat it up.  

    It's easier to call the other guy the messiah then it is to win on issues.  

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