
Why does Russia keep on bombing even though there is a cease fire?

by Guest63170  |  earlier

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Are the Russians trying to mislead other countries??

And the Georgians claim the cease fire is fake.

here is an article if you want to read it

Tell me your opionin




  1. themasta

    im from Georgia and i have just listened to the news, im not talking about todays ations, after ordering to halt the war Russians still bombed the town of Gori where u cant find any Georgian soldier,,

    the talk is about news im absolutely shocked, Russians have attached Sekani, thats not even closer to the South Ossetia and sank Georgian ships...

    i just cant explain anything,, im in shock, what else do they want from us? now 6 presidens of the leading countries are in Tbilisi Georgia, including Sarkozy that had negotiations with Medvediev in Russia, now, at the present moment when the whole world is looking at us, coz the leadres were presented to the Georgians that have peaceful manifestation in front of the house of Parliament, Russians still dare to habe Military actions Far from South Ossetia....

  2. Kinda why Saddam kept shooting at U.N. planes during a cease-fire.  Why comply when other nations are too weak-kneed to do anything about it?

  3. You see what you wish to see. But:

    Read more attentively: "Georgia insisted that Russian forces were still bombing and shelling". Mass-media war is going on. It is better if you will not blindly believe it. Just little think analytically.

    technotopian: +1

  4. ever heard the statement "kick em while they're down" ?

  5. Cause its taking along time to get through to there army cause of therehit

  6. On 20th September 1990  South Ossetia declared its independence from Georgia. The first South Ossetia supreme power election was in December 9 1990. But Georgia acknowledged the election to be illegitimate and decreed to abolish sovereignty of the new unrecognized Republic of South Ossetia, and on the next day the Georgian government implemented the state of emergency on the territory of South Ossetia. On 6th January 1991 Georgia put its army on the territory of South Ossetia, activated the operations and started the blockade of the autonomy of South Ossetia. As result more than 10 thousand people left South Ossetia for North Ossetia and about 30 thousand Ossetians left Georgia. During the armed conflicts 1991-1992 about 300 Osetians disappeared without a trace, more than 40 thousand got status of refugee, and more than 100 Ossetian rural area were destroyed by Georgian army.

    The armed conflicts were stopped when Boris Yeltsin and Eduard Shevardnadze signed the Dagomys agreements.

    South Ossetia became an independent republic in January 1992 de facto, but Georgia could not let it go.

    In 2004 Mikheil Saakashvili has became the president of Georgia, and the main subject-target of his presidential campaign has been South Ossetia. He has violated the Dagomys agreements.

    Georgia vs. South Ossetia: roots of a 100-year conflict

    On 8th August 2008 Georgia declared the war against South Ossetia.

    Russia points to media bias in coverage of S.Ossetia conflict

    CNN use footage of Tskhinvali ruins to cover Georgian report

    American citizen telling the truth about Georgian invade in South Osetia

  7. There should be cease fire now, and French president Sarkozy en route to Tbilisi.

    Those in Georgia, do you really hear bombs or is it government told you so?

    Some conclusions:

    Both US and Russian media are lying. Thats obvious, as mass-media is a weapon too.

    Its difficult to expect any pro-Russian stuff from CNN, right?

    On the first day of fighting there was a nice movie by CNN. Featuring dark night and bright flares of starting missiles in the background of voice telling us about Russian invasion. Wait, it was only evening in Georgia and russians have joined war in the midday. It takes time to send the movie to some studio and prepare some breaking-news, at least an hour I'd say. And camera men should travel that to the front, Tskhinvali city is far from Georgian capital city of Tbilisi. So that couldn't be that night, this is previous night: August 07. And there were no russian forces in Georgia at that moment... So missiles are Georgian!

    Lets take a closer look on them. They're flying in the very fast rate. Axelerate, then rocket engine stops and disappears in the night. Do you know what this weapon is? It is 'Grad' soviet era indirect missile artillery designed to kill lots of infantry in the field. It is useless against tanks and strongpoints. And it is very inacurate... Warhead turns into numerous splinters on detonation effectively killing everyone around. And 'Grad' provides rain of such rockets. Rain of death.

    Do you imagine this? Without declaration of war, warnings et.c. in the middle of night, when people are sleeping at their homes someone bombards city with 'Grad'. This is not a police action against rebels, this attempt to kill as many of them (children, women, everyone) as possible and make others run in terror. That exactly happened. Saakashvili is a war criminal.

  8. Russians ( or at least the Russian government ) aren't exactly the most trustworthy people on the planet you know..

  9. cos putin is the biggest prat ever ! it's just to stop the 5 presidents arrival in georgia, but already are here...  

    they are not only bombing, they are in zugdidi and other places, robbing the cities, burning the houses down, even killing the people there  

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