
Why does Russia oppose the independence of Kosovo while accepting South Ossettia?

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It just seems odd that Russia supports South Ossettia's independence but not Kosovo. Why one and not the other?




  1. drkilo is wrong in his assertion that most South Ossetians are Russians. They are not. They are simply Ossetians. They don't even speak Russian. Russia just issued them alot of Russian passports, and claims that this makes them all "instant Russians".

    Russia has some love affair with Serbia because they are Slavs. That's really it. They also want to destabilize Georgia to stop them from joining NATO.

  2. South Ossettia will soon be part of Russia as most South Ossettians are Russian. The rumour mill has it that they are already in talks about it

  3. Please take time to read the article below entitled " Russia is a Black Sea

    Power" to understand the petropolitcs going on in the region

  4. For the same reason that the US does the opposite -- because they see it as in their national interest to do so.  The Serbians, who have long-standing ties with their fellow Slavs in Russia, consider Kosovo to be a part of Serbia.  Therefore the Russians also support the Serbian position that Kosovo is not an independent country.

    On the other hand, Georgia, which the US has being aggressivly wooing for some time, is seen as a problem state on Russia's southern border.  For one thing, Russia does not want a US-backed state right next door.  But also, if the Georgians are able to do as they please, that might encourage ethnic minorities within Russia proper to try for their own independence.  Anything that weakens the position of Georgia is therefore a good thing in Russian eyes.  So, by recognizing South Ossetia, a semi-autonomous region of Georgia, as independent, Russian seeks to do just that, i.e., weaken Georgia's position.  

  5. 2 Foreign Minister:

    Ossetians DO speak Russian. It's the main language of the region

    2 the author of the question:

    For the same reason USA does support Kosovo but doesn't support S.Ossetia. Everyone does what he consideres to be useful for him only. Opposite sides have the same bullshit approach.

  6. Russia only supports someones independence IF they gain something out of it.

    Ask the people of Chechnya.  

  7. because that's how politics work here

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