
Why does Santino still have no finisher?

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that is bullshit, if he is a champ he has to have a finisher or signature move!




  1. Santino can't wrestle.The only thing which is good is only his promos.

  2. the roll up pin with his foot on the ropes is his finisher  

  3. his finsher is to have beth help lol

  4. Because wwe is still going with the "guy from the crowd who cant' wrestle" . It's total BS.

    If i were a writer i would've wrote a story where santino was fed up with critisizm and left to train for a month came back as a wrestling machine and show of his real skill.

  5. yeah i agree, he needs one. It's bad enough he is champ,

    but a champ without a finisher? that's lame

  6. It could be because WWE never took him seriously.

    He is just made as a joke with his promos and segments.

    When you see him you don't see the aura that Edge or Randy Orton have.

    His stroyline with Beth Phoenix is just being made into a joke.

    He never got so serious and he's already in WWE for a while now.

  7. COZ YOU ARE G@Y!!!!

  8. He has sucky in ring ability but is great on the mic. He will probably use something similar to the RKO and call it the Pizza Cutter.

  9. Climbing up the turnbuckle,then diving headbutt is his finisher.

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