
Why does Sarah Palin enrage Democrats?

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I've seen Democrats say that they are outraged that McCain would pick a woman to get Hillary supporters. Democrats have said that McCain is a moron and that his pick is dangerous and wreckless because of her lack of experience. What does that say about the Democrats picking Obama? How come Democrats never said anything about John Edwards and his lack of experience? Why didn't Democrats say anything about Geraldine Ferraro, who had a ton less experience than Palin? I've heard Democrats say crazy things, like Palin hates women, she doesn't think women should be paid equal to men, etc. They are even saying that she shouldn't be running because she has a special needs child. What is the point of such disgusting behavior from Democrats? I don't think I remember a previous VP selection that has enraged and infuriated Demcorats as much as Sarah Palin...which makes me think it was a great pick.




  1. McCain only did this to steal Obama's thunder. He even knows Obamas speech was impeccable and the only way to steal some news coverage was to choose a woman as his running mate.

    But that's not why Dems hate Palin

    She is corrupt. She accepts bribes from oil companies. She votes against conservation bills in her own state.

  2. I'm a democrat, Iam not enraged at all, I'm baffled.

  3. Just like the simpleton who answered first here, most liberals on this site are far left loons that have nothing better to do in their free time than try to get some sort of attention on the Internet.

    Most Democrats, however, are not like this Joe character. I honestly think (and this is not just McCain talking points) that Gov. Palin stands a legitimate chance at getting a lot of Reagan Democrats that are wary about Obama right now. Granted, it won't be easy, and she won't get them all, but with her working class roots and values, I think she stands a good chance.

    So don't be fooled by most of the liberals on here.

  4. Because she got to be where she is today solely through her own efforts.  Not hitching an electoral free ride by marrying her way in to it.

  5. I am a Christian and a Republican and a mother.  As a Christian and a mother, I am deeply ashamed of Sarah Palin and John McCain.  A mother with young children should be in the home raising them.  This is especially true when she has a 4-month year old baby with down syndrome who needs all her love and attention.  As a mother, I would never choose my career over my children.  I do not understand how any Christian parent can support John McCain picking Sarah Palin.

  6. Ste up an ex-lax booth at the senate steps.

    She gona have them so constipated trying to dodge and hide from her.

    They are plain scared that she is majorly gonna upset the apple cart of the good ol boy network. They will have to accountable and there by they become impotant

    And thats just the frst few months before she gets the names.

  7. I am neither a democrat nor a republican, but an objective observer.  This is what I see:  Democrats are not enraged over Palin.  They seem more amazed.  Not because of Palin herself, who is probably fine, but because of the fact that McCain called Obama inexperienced so many times ('but is he ready to lead?') and they think McCain is being hypocritical by choosing an inexperienced vp considering she could very well end up as president given McCain's age and cancer history.  If McCain had not called Obama on his lack of experience then the Democrats wouldn't be doing the same thing to Palin.

    Neither Obama or Palin has much experience, but Obama did go through Harvard Law, Palin went through a journalism course.  Education matters.  And I don't hear Obama being described as a 'working Dad', as if that matters.  Most mothers in the US are working mothers so that is not a reasonable point.

    My opinion.

  8. Because its just a pathetic ploy to get votes

  9. The closeminded Democrats who support Obama are mad because they don't want to lose.  They would be mad about any good pick.

  10. Interesting how Palin is called a ploy to get votes while no one is calling Biden a ploy to get votes.  Why do they think he was put on the ticket?  He was put there because Obama has nada experience in anything!

  11. I think they are more upset to see a young, energetic conservative woman on center stage.  I think that the Dems have worked very hard to make it seem like the only conservatives out there are old, white, rich men.  This blows the stereotype out of the water.

    I mean, when was the last time you saw a pro-life working mother in the political spotlight?

  12. Democrats don't hate Sarah Palin.  Everybody is just worried about the fact that McCain picked someone who is under investigation, a big minus.  I think the two main reason why McCain picked her was: 1) He envied Obama for his historic nomination and he wants the GOP to change history in some way (he envies a lot about Obama).  2) He was desperate to pick somebody, but I bet that nobody wants to run with him.  He begged Palin.

    The other issue that many are concerned about is that people are now being distracted from who is really getting the American vote due to McCain's pick for VP.  I wish people would be reminded that we are voting for a President, not a Vice President.  However, in McCain's case, we are concerned about his VP pick due to his old age and him having cancer; he is likely to pass away in his first term.  If that does happen, should we trust this country in the hands of someone (man or woman) that NO ONE voted for just because McCain picked her?  In the primaries, people  actually did vote for Obama, Hillary and Biden.  Nobody outside of Alaska knew who Palin was.  It's almost September.  The election in in early November.  Is TWO MONTHS long enough for the rest of America to get to know Sarah Palin?

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