
Why does Sarah Palin sympathize with a party like the AIP?

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According to their website, the AIP got 0,5% of all votes:

(if you want you can read the whole article, it's very interesting)

Alaska has a population of 683,478 people. I don't know how many of them can't vote (e.g. because they are too young to vote).

However, 0,5% of 683,478 would be around 3,417 people! As said, this was calculated by taking the number of the population and not the one of the voters!

Why does the Governor of Alaska support an insignificant political minority (less than 3,000 voters), by sending them an address for their 2008 convention?

How can a the Governor of Alaska say to such an insignificant and secessionist group:

"Keep up the good work!"




  1. Very curious.  With all the mindless chanting of USA!  USA!  USA! at the RNC, you would think the minions would want a pro-American candidate.  How hypocritical!

  2. Leaders should care about all of their constituants, not just the large majorities.

  3. Republicans and libertarians don't agree on everything but they have one idea in common, that government is evil, that government can't work, and the less the government does, the better.  

    Republican voters believe that government can't solve problems, government -is- the problem.  Republican leaders encourage this belief.  Naturally they would cooperate with a party that wanted to break free of the US government.  They know this party will never be very powerful, and when the people in it realize that, then they'll vote Republican.

    Alaskans in particular have always been very libertarian.  One reason they or their forebears moved to Alaska in the first place was to get away from government, to live as they pleased, like people on the frontier 150 years ago.  So if you want to do well in politics in Alaska you would be wise to whine about how intrusive government is, how the folks in the Lower 48 want to control every aspect of our lives, etc. etc.  And that's what Sarah Polin did.

  4. Perhaps you should turn up the volume and listen to her message.

  5. Because she obviously hates America and she hates her American citizenship

  6. This has been disproved and you are engaging in slander!!!!!!

  7. OK.....let's just say she was "pandering for votes" is that any different than attending a racist "church" for 20 years....?

  8. It's a blatant lie.

    Go back to spin class.

  9. How much of your time do you spend digging up tidbits about Sarah Palin instead of grasping the greatness of this woman?

  10. Because Sarah Palin is a right-wing, fascist terrorist...She has close ties to Alaska and Idaho....remembering Timoth McVeigh...

  11. She was never a member of that party. New York Times likes to publish c**p. She welcomed them because she encourages competition in politics. It was like John McCain's ad congratulating Obama on the night that Obama was nominated.

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