
Why does School Start back up so early?

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Really i know this is my last year but it pisses me off that we have to start back up monday 8/11/08

The summer really just started in June and thats when we got out lol

We are actually not in school 9 months out of the year like people think. Actually we are in school for 10 months. The only two months we get off is June and July. Very slick of them to say its 9 months. Yes a school year is 9 months but were are in school for 10 and really just bugs me. But then again this is my last year but next its college. IT NEVER ENDS!!!!!!!

But seriously when do you go back?




  1. lol ...

    in australia we start at the end of January (or sometimes first couple of days of february)

    got to school till about the 20th of March , have 2 1/2 weeks off, go back on about 1st week of April

    go to school till about the end of June also ahve 2 1/2weeks off

    go back about 15th July

    got o shcool till mid september again have 2 1/2 weeks off

    go back on 1st week of october and go to school till baout end of november , (primary school liek mid decemebr ) then have about 1-2 months off for summer holidays then do it all again !


  2. i go back on september 2nd suckers!!  but i also only get out on june 15th :(

  3. You are right. Im goin to seventh grade and goin back on September 3. We dont even get 3 months. We get like 2 months and like a week or two. We dont get 10 months though. I get like 9 months and about 2 weeks. The bad thing about this school year is that I start 4 days earlier then I did last year and I end on the same day.

  4. Aug. 20th on a Wednesday, I start a week earlier than last year Ugh...

    I Hate School!

  5. Tuesday August 19th

    i mean i know how you feel i mean it seems like just yesterday we were starting summer and i got in may and i start in less the 9 days.

  6. we start tuesday.  you get three months, just like everyone else.  if it doesn't start sooner it ends later

  7. Have fun working.

  8. i go back september 2nd.

  9. because life sucks. I go back Aug. 18th

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