
Why does Scotland have very few trees?

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I am sure that Scotland has some trees, but there seem to be so many treeless fields in the country side. There appears to be plenty of water and the land looks fertile, so where are all the trees? I had heard that most of the UK was covered with forest in ancient times, so why would'nt trees repopulate an untended field in the country. Are sheep a factor? Would like to hear from some people in the UK or anyone thats been there.




  1. are you kidding me????

    i dont know where in scotland you've been

    but there are trees & forrests everywhere

  2. What absolute RUBBISH

    Scotland has a number of forests; indeed forestry is a major employer in most rural areas of Scotland.

    You must remember that because Scotland has so much moorland and mountain terrain, much of the countryside will not support crop growth. So, where the land conditions are such that it is possible to grow food crops, trees had been removed to maximise the food output.

  3. There are plenty of trees and forests in Scotland. Not in the far north of Scotland, though, due to the harsh climate.

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