
Why does Sean Hannity have an Obession with Hillary Clinton?

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Why does Sean Hannity have an Obession with Hillary Clinton?




  1. he's  part of a massive conspiracy.  The Clinton's and Bush's have collaborated and if Sean can create a mild undocumented complaint, then the left will feel  sympathy and rush to her support.  It's all a clever conspiracy and Hannity is key.

  2. He has frequent, secret sexual fantasies about her.

  3. Because he thinks she's hot and knows that he can never have her.

    And, Mr P, Libs don't have an obsession with Bush. Well, at least not anymore than Pseudocons have with Bill Clinton. "It was Bill Clinton, not that actor they framed who shot Lincoln. The Liberal Press covered it up."

  4. I don't think he has an "obsession" with her, but like every conservative,  he wants to keep her out of the White House.  The last thing we need is her,  because she's nothing but a Socialist/Communist, and bad for this country.

  5. He wishes his pretty wife were intelligent--

    Or he's a closet queen (unlikely)--

    Or he's simply jealous that she has more political heft than him, and can't accept that she will ne our first female president (unless Barack becomes our first black president).

  6. It's his job. Spread right wing propaganda.

  7. sean is upset because hillary has testicles and he doesn't.

  8. She is phony and not suitable to represent this country and you should know this by now! Oh we all cant be smart I know!

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