
Why does Sean Hannity want to 'defeat' Liberalism?

by Guest32486  |  earlier

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I centainly don't want to defeat Conservatism.

Why can't we all just get along?




  1. Ratings.  Television stations assume (right or wrong) that conflict creates better ratings, so the more rabid their talk show hosts sound, the more "interesting" it's supposed to be.

    I wish we could at the very least agree to disagree.

  2. Because he wants to sell books.  Discussing talking heads like Hannity is a waste of time.  Discuss something substantial.

  3. Hannity is nothing but an extended mouthpiece for the Bush Administration and nothing more. I never take him or Ann Coulter seriously.

  4. I can only assume that Sean Hannity is realy a Liberal covert agent who is well aware that his inane rantings and hate filled rhetoric  just make the right look ignorant and drive reasonable moderate voters to the Dems

  5. So he can think he is important and not just a wind bag talkng head

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