
Why does Sony hire unhelpful reps?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, so I've had some problems with them in the past. Help isn't a word in their vocabulary.

Btw, I'm talking about their online chat.

So today, I prank contacted them, to test their smarts.

Me: My computer stopped working

Sony Rep: When was the last time it worked normally?

Me: Before I threw it off a cliff

Sony Rep: Can you still see the Sony logo when it boots?

Me: I don't know, it's sitting on the bottom of a cliff

Sony Rep: Please wait while I check this info online

So what's with the online reps, are they computers, or are they inexperienced?




  1. They probably don't pay them all that much or give them any incentive to do their job well.

  2. Wow haha

    Sometimes the Online Chat Assistance starts out with a computer answering and then a real live assistant checks in later.

    I had a similar bad experience with ViewSonic's Online Agent Help.

    I was MORE polite and more thorough than the agent ever was in the entire conversation! His/her name was "Ariel". Then I closed that chat and started a new one to see if another agent could assist me, and then I looked at the screen and yet again "Hi my name is Ariel how can I help you today". Ariel apparently manages every single chat for ViewSonic and does not even spot the question asked until 15 minutes into the chat conversation ("Wait, your question was concerning the remote controls of your LCD TV ?")

  3. companies like dell,hp etc hire phone support that are located outside the u.s. in most cases those people they hired are learning english as their second language i wouldn't be suprise they used rosetta stone. at least you're talking to a live person and not a robot.

  4. Well sony likes to make money and not spend it on highly trained professional people who can actually help you. Nope they want you to buy alkl their products and when  you call for help at their "toll-free customer service hotline" you get stuck with a moron thats about as dumb as a piece of bread.

  5. they are in India, they read off of a flow chart.  if your question is not on their chart then they don't know how to respond.  Remember English is a second language for them.  Unfortunately it is not just Sony, most U.S. companies outsource to third world countries.  How many educated ,skilled Americans

    do you know who would do Tech Support for 10 rupees and a bowl of rice a day.???

  6. u Mean Black and Mexican People Ya Ya

  7. Maybe they dont have to pay dumb asses as much money

  8. Are their rep.s here in America? Maybe they outsourced their jobs somewhere else.

  9. LOL, nice.

    I've also had bad experiences with Sony customer service--not very helpful!!

    Wish I knew why too......

  10. You called a professional help line. they are trained to work with dolts and you acted like a complete dolt. sorry... what were you expecting, a ghetto response?

  11. idk.. but i was having internet problems and i called comcast (who i use) and i called them 4 TIMES (!) and they still didn't fix my problem bout my wireless router (which is resolved now.. no thx to them) and the last guy i talked to said it was the wireless router's problem and i said that i had this router for over a year... and he responded w/ "a problem never happens until a problem occurs"......... thank you captain obvious!

  12. Yeah OMG I know exactly what you are taking about. My guess is that they get paid by the hour and not on comission so they don't really care whether or not they help you. They probably just got the job so they could sit on a computer all day.

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