
Why does Subway not put any meat in their sandwiches.

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I recently was forced to buy a ham sandwich at a Subway's in the Dallas airport on my way to the east coast. Subway was the only thing open in the airport. They put two PAPER THIN slices of ham on my sandwich.




  1. hmm..idk, the one here puts for PAPER THIN slices of ham (lol). next time ask them to put more on..

  2. If you want to even be able to tell you have meat on there, you have to either get a club or a double meat sandwich.  I just go to Quizno's, but it sounds like you didn't have a choice.

  3. I always have plenty of meat on my sandwiches from Subway.  Sounds like bad managment.  They may not put enough meat to suit you, but if you don't like it go to Quizno's where you can pay $10.00 for 1 sandwich not including chips and drink.

  4. idk srry

  5. I never order there cold cut sandwiches there being from NY that's not a cold cut sandwich in my opinion I need boarshead's meats on mine I order their oven roasted chicken breast its aloe more meat and better tasting too

  6. Yeah, right.

    Maybe they didn't put enough for your taste, but every sandwich (no matter which size) has a pre-cut and pre-packaged amount of meat. Have you ever watched them make one?

    This sounds like a rant.

  7. You can add more but they cost you grrr

  8. whaer i live they put on 5 slices just ask them if they could put on a little more cause i never had that problem before

  9. That is F***ed up! Was is a 6 inch or a footlong? A 6 inch gets 4 pieces and a footlong gets 8 pieces! How do I know? I'm the manager at a Subway. You should have complained! That is a rip off!  

  10. Usually it's the managers that ask the employees to skimp on the meat, toppings, etc..., but you could always ask for extra. I see people do this all the time. They can't say no to you. Even if they are cheap, I still love their subs. They are delicious.

  11. idk i always wondered that too. but i'll tell ya one thing i don't like it there

  12. I don't even bother with subway anymore

    they are the skimpiest sub makers on the market today

    they get done with my subs I cant even see the insides through the bread......just sad

  13. Because it allows them to advertise their food as healthy...(less meat=fewer calories and grams of fat)

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