
Why does TIME KEEP ON SLIPPING......???

by  |  earlier

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....into the future?




  1. Time keeps passing so that my computer will soon be obsolete.  I blame Bill Gates for this slippage of time.

  2. Because it is one of the best examples of a "Continuous Variables". So it is continuously varying!

  3. time is the only thing that u can never get back. it just keeps rolling &rolling & rolling on.

  4. Actually time keeps on slipping into the past!  We're the ones slipping into the future.  Therefore we are leaving time behind, but are unable to reclaim it due to the barrier of the present.  That is why we consistently find ourselves out of time.

  5. Because the  Children of the Future need the time.

  6. by definition of time.

  7. Because Steve Miller said so...!

    I'd rather Fly Like An Eagle!!!

  8. It's that darned Steve Miller! He's some wizard, he is. I'm still wondering what a "pompatus of love" is.

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