
Why does Tiger Woods take steriods?

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Why does Tiger Woods take steriods?




  1. You're an idiot!

    it takes great skill to play golf. Power is the last thing a great golfer needs.

    you might as well say Kobe takes steriods for his jump shots.

    you are DUMB!

  2. I don't think Tiger would've supported a drug test if he took steroids.

  3. prettys sure he doesnt take steroids...which is why he want the PGA tour to do testing

    i think youre just jealous of his arms

  4. Why have you been smoking crack?  You must have been to make this statement.

  5. Tiger Woods suggested to the PGA tour that they invoke a steroid/performance enhancing drug policy.  Why would he do that if he is using steroids?  Your statement is borderline libelous.

  6. It comes from playing the bell hop in the movie Four Rooms.

  7. When your almost a billionaire you can take whatever you want.

  8. He has a web site.  I'll forward this to the site and let him respond to the question directly to you.  I've made requests on his site before and they are very quick to respond, so I'm sure you'll get your answer in due time.

    You must have some "inside' information to make a statement like that.

    Those steroids have turned you into a Moron.

  9. why would he even wont to take steroids he hits the ball consistently around 300 yards and at that you dont need power to play golf. Golf is 70%mind20%pysical10%wanting to be the best or basically practice.thats al;l u need to no about that trust me he doesnt need steriods obviously or he wouldnt have one so many pga tour tournements!

  10. Tiger and many pros DO take 'steroids', but not the kind you are thinking.

    Due to the type of injuries common to professional golf, many players suffer from tendon related injuries, so they rely on anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Ibuprofen (Advil) etc.

    However, they DO have to take a cortisone steroid injection from time to time when it gets too bad.

    These should NOT be compared to metabolic steroids, which probably wouldn't help too much anyways because golf needs finesse, not brute strength.

  11. You need to use your brain before you make statements like that.

    People that use steroids want a easy and quick solution to hard work. Basically a short cut.  Golf is a game with no short cuts. If you don't put in the time and dedicate yourself to perfection, perfection that is inherently unattainable. You wont even be a decent golfer. Golfers are ideally slim with out large amounts of muscle. Golfers don't want muscle mass. It restricts the back swing!

  12. bcause some ppl r idiots! and it's probably so he can get his strength back, probably not that he ever lost it! :D

  13. idiot

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