
Why does Turkey want to be in The EU?

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What do the Turks want in the EU anyway?




  1. It would create economic ties with Europe that would make Turkey a much wealthier and stronger nation.  Also there would be diplomatic agreements that would greatly help Turkey.  Joining the EU would complete the goal of Attaturk to be recognized as an equal by the western europeans.

  2. If you want a simple answer for this question I can tell you that the most important reason is economics for both sides. The economic integration of Turkey with the EU started in 1995 after both sides agreed upon the customs unity. Although this period of time caused loses more than gains for Turkish trade, it was a mandatory decision for Turkish government to accept all forms of custom unity in order to minimize the possible criticisms. As I said economics is the most important reason for both sides, it is an inevitable fact that if Turkey joins to the EU in the future we will become the dominant country in terms of population, labor force and most importantly with our young people (talking about 30 million people). However, EU members don't want young Turkish boys and girls dominating their countries in possibly all sectors. Plus these factors Turkey's geographic situation is sometimes threatening and sometimes highly beneficial for European states(don't you think easy access to Iraqi petrol is beneficial?) Therefore, I personally acknowledge the current and possibly forthcoming protocols. Turkey can easily boom its economy in after 5-10 years affiliation. Turkey has always been an important country for Europeans and undeniably for Americans. This will continue as it has continued throughout the history. Therefore, neither Turkey nor EU states want to disconnect balanced relationship.

  3. It would provide Turkey access to the markets of the EU states and create jobs in that country. In short it would be good for the Turkish economy. It would also anchor Turkey to a large community of democratic and liberal governments. The EU, however, is not completely sold on having a Moslem majority state in their midst..

  4. Turkey could be a good candidate for EU because of it's huge market potential and young people.


  6. Poor countries benefit from the stability of the richer countries. The EU is great if you are a third world country and you want to export your poor people.

    Just ask the Brits.....they are getting a butt load right about now.

  7. When you come to Turkey you will see this country is different from middle east countries.You can live Paris in Istanbul, see London in Ankara , taste Berlin in Izmir. Turks are a part of modern world.Its natural resources are more than half of Europe.So when Turkey left alone it would be an opponent of Europe, alliance of USA or Russia. So if EU lose Turkey they will be weaker.Also more than 5 million Turks live in EU countries. There are turkish parliement members in European countries.Turks win European prizes like Nobel ; UEFA , Eurovision.

  8. Put it this way: membership in the EU has many benefits:

    1) Tax free trade among EU members

    2) Travel limitations on Turkish nationals will be levied

    3) New employment and education opportunities for Turkish nationals

    4) Greater political stability and less influence from Turkish military

    5) Income of the EU development fonds

    6) Turkey will be more competitive in the global market

    7) Better access to the EU market

    I hope that helps.

  9. why not. they are part of nato and one of our best allies.

  10. Not a clue.  That would loose national sovereignty and people would be at a loss.  The thing that makes their country great to the people would be lost in return for nil promises brought to them by large central banks.

    Now the same thing is happening here with the North American Union.  Canada, United States and Mexico are to be one.  Makes sense since our country doesn't seem to care about the open borders to Mexico as we speak.

  11. So they can flood the whole of Europe

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