
Why does US support Palestine's Holocaust?

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Why does US support Palestine's Holocaust?




  1. In my opinion the most important reason is that USA wants to have its ally in Middle East and historically it happenned so, that the most important ally is Israel. So they support the country and let them do what they are doing in occupied territories.

    Second reason is a very strong lobby of American Jews, who influence decisions of American government.

    Thirdly I think Americans still feel guilty that they did actually nothing to stop the Holocoust, despite the fact that there were very clear intelligence reports on what's going on in Auschwitz and other death camps.

    Finally we should not forget that there were attempts, led by US, to solve the Israel-Palestine problem, but these attempts were terminated mostly by Palestinian representatives, who were not willing to make any concession in negotiations. Of course it does not explain the brutality of Israeli army on occupied territories, but I believe that both sides of this conflict are not really interested in solving the puzzle and creation of two independent states living in peace...

  2. I don't know about the US supporting any holocaust, but the PLO  was responsible for many terrorist acts in the past and the US is theoretically against terrorism, so that could be the reason. Besides which, there is no country called Palestine, so where is a Palestinian from?

  3. By holocaust I take it you mean genocide (legally, ethnic cleansing is genocide although there is a recognizable difference in scale).  

    All genocides have racism as the root cause.  The German's holocaust of the Jews, Gypsies and other "deviants" was an extreme example.

    The last century brought an increased paradigm among the peoples of the world that racism was wrong - horror at what the n***s had done played a role in this, but a lot of previous philosophical thinking as well, the French and American revolutions proclaiming equality for all people (even if they didn't implement it), the communist and socialist movements also carrying that banner.  In 1948 the UN passed the Universal Declaration on the rights of Mankind which implicitly recognized many rights regardless of race or creed, and in 1963 they passed covenant against racism.  In the US, the voting rights act was passed a year later.

    The first reason is that racism is alive and well in the US despite official eschewing of it.  The pro-Israel crowd has successfully deflected a lot of American racism onto Arabs and Muslims, especially Palestinians.  This is a deliberate practice on their part, as it lends them support in their ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians which requires widespread, organizational racism.

    The second reason is that most Americans are ignorant, and more are more concerned over earning a living which team wins the NBAA championship than about people in other countries being tortured with US support, which they're unaware of anyway.

    The third reason is that those racists that truly support Palestine's genocide (the Israel lobby, but of course they deny it) are a well organized, well funded and vocal group, known for vicious political targetting of politicians who support fairness.  Consequently, US politicians fear them and don't represent the US people on this one issue.  Fairly safe for them because most US people have other things higher on their priorities.

  4. The US would like a fair and stable solution to the Palestinian problem and encourages Israel to be more humane and cooperative in achieving it, including withdrawal from the West Bank and Gaza and cessation of blockading their egress and importation of food and fuel as well as refraining from assassinating Palestinian leaders and indiscriminately firing on civilians.  

    But right or wrong, the US is committed to its ally, Israel.  That is the way politics really works - loyalty talks, ideology walks. Ask yourself: "what have the Palestinians done for us lately"?  What could they deliver that would encourage us to take their side?

  5. Double standards....hypocrisy... u name it!

  6. How is it a Holocaust when the PLO,Hamas, and Hezbollah have cause the problem with the bombing,killing, and destruction of their own people?

    The U.S. supports both sides with money and trying to MAKE Israel give land to the TERRORIST!

    Israel has time and again tried to get peace from them but their answer has always been the same........NO Peace, No recognition, and NO country called Israel.

  7. I don't know about the US supporting any holocaust, but the PLO was responsible for many terrorist acts in the past and the US is theoretically against terrorism, so that could be the reason. Besides which, there is no country called Palestine, so where is a Palestinian from?


    Me too... and...

    Don't go diddling bopping around telling the world yer gonna exterminate the Jews, don't harbor terrorist, and find a way to co-operate with the Jews as they struggle to make a very difficult land very livable.  And if you do, when other parts of the Middle East are dying, the Pals will stay alive.

    A warning too... I don't think you guys have just a whole lot of time to kiss, kiss and get their help.

  8. For a whole lotta reasons.

    1. The allied powers set up Israel.

    2. The united states did the exact same things to the indians but worse and the Indians didn't ruin the lives of their children for years out of pride.

    3. Israel is a country, they are not just gonna leave, they are just not. So if the palestinians want peace they are gonna have to stop being violent.

    4. Its a bad situation, at this point, aside from pride and such the land is never ever going to be had by the palestinians again, most people know this, either the palestinans will extinct themselves fighting a much stronger enemy or they will finaly leave, or Iran will nuke the whole area and then nobody gets it.

    The palestinians have caused their own plight for years, it has been over 65 years. Fighting for a lost cause no matter how noble is not the way to make a future for your children.

    Oh, also the US wants all the oil of the middle east and they want Israel there to guard it. Not to mention alot of christian holy places are there and they would rather deal with the jews when they go to see them. Most Americans have a negative view of arabs. Blame the media.

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