
Why does USA trust Israel so much?

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I know its their foothold in the Middle East but, why do we Americans have to give them a radar now in Israel? And support them with all their military. Why don't people see that by us supporting them like this eventually it will lead to another war? And that Israelis actually oppress the Palestinians. You never hear about that on the news, but will always hear when 2 Israeli soldiers die in AMERICAN news????!!! Somebody please give a clear UNBIAS response.




  1. i think America supported the setting up of Israel in the middle east cos the right wing fear without it all the Jews will turn up on American shores

  2. Obama has already pledged to give Isreal every bit of support he can give them... America is controlled by Jews - It's not rocket science.

  3. we don't trust them, but they do a lot of the dirty work for us.

  4. USA still search for a "second comming"

  5. If the US did not support Israel it wouldn't exist today or there would be MORE wars as it's the only democracy in the area. Also, Israel is the only country in the whole Mid East that supports the US. I question your news sources, Palestinian sympathizers are quoted by the media at least as often as Israeli sympathizers.

  6. I agree but as they say in Texas, you're peeing up a rope.  Israel controls this country thru buying Congress and for all we know, the president also.  Our media are owned by dual citizen jews, TV, press, movies.   It's impossible to get an unbiased view of what goes on in Israel.  As Ariel Sharon said once, "Don't worry about America.  We own America."

  7. because they like pudding

  8. Israel and the U.S. are one...whether you want to believe it or not, with all the business, investments and intelligents that has gone on for many many by far beats being in partners with any middle eastern country

  9. Its an obvious question

    but no one is going to give an honest reply.

    Why does usa give one trillion to one state of 4 million super race [and 3 million indigenouse arabs]

    Why does usa give the star war defense system to realise the jewish star offensive system

    Why give 200 nukes to the same people who guard the nukes of usa

    Yes they are questions no one dare reply ,for a start the same people hold over half of the ritch list people as being them, and control of media and banking , finance and medicine , even the arts and sports

    We wont get into the bloggers who are so switched on in their zeal  to jump on anyone who would dare expose this ,nor allow peoplew to mention simply things like jewatch or talk about AIPAC ,or the many other organisations ,controlled by israel intel SERVICES

    yes its a mystory how any politition speaking out wont get elected because of suporters somehow swayed to drift away, and somehow the media going silent [or worse attacking them]

    Its a confusing thing [so dont ask to look behind the curtain bro ] even just asking could mean you are set up just by knowing and daring to answer.

    There is some things just knowing set you up to be labled [or banned] so please my bro dont be asking , unanswerable questions [big brother is listening , he has eyes every where , a key board in every boadroom , and if worse come into better the means to squish it into nothingness

    REwriting it where nessesary or hiding it from others knowing by owning the search engine or rewriting the wiki ,any links posted to prove this wouldnt be allowed to work

    so get back to work  and let the think tanks do your thinking

    if busche does as he is told , dont be thinking anything anyone else could know will make the slightest difference

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