
Why does Universal Health Care work in other industrialized countries while it is not accepted in the US?

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US health care is profit driven.

Do you believe that it is morally acceptable to profit off of other people's misery?




  1. It works, but not well. We are use to getting health care when we need it and not have to wait forever for a simple test like a mri. In places where they have universal, unless it is an emergency, you wait and wait. In the meantime you live with pain. Go talk to some Hawaiians and ask them how they like it.

  2. I live in Canada and I disagree with the previous poster. Our system works and it works very well. According to US statistics you spend 6200. per person on medical care. In canada we spent 3300. per person. However we have lower rates of diabetes, heart disease, cancer. We have lower

    rates of infant mortality..meaning more children die as infants in the US than in Canada. Our citizens outlive yours by at

    least 3 years. We have a higher cure rate for cancer and other serious diseases. This study which again I point out was done by the US believe one of the reasons that Canadians enjoy better health is because our doctors take a 'wait and see' attitude towards injuries and illness. For instance if you have back pain and go see a doctor in Canada they will refer you to physiotherapy or acupuncture or other such non invasive treatment. Because the US system

    is profit driven usually the first treatment you get for back pain is a trip to the operating room. As a result you have more

    invasive surgeries than we do and suffer more medical

    'mishaps' othewise known as malpractice than Canada does.

    I would never support a for profit medical coverage scheme in Canada.  Once you factor in profit then you have people who will take advantage and try to convince you that you need surgery or some expensive treatment when you don't just so they can make a fast buck off you. As for people going from US to Canada for treatment that is true because they are rich and get in faster. However we hae discovered one of our problems is that your insurance companies are sending their clients to Canada as our medical costs are so much cheaper. In addition we find that we have Americans who have no insurance come to Canada and deliberately allow themselves to be treated as Canadians as they can't get treated in the US as they don't have enough money so apparently your system doesn't work as well as you think.


  3. Because people in the US are lied to, or told half truths.  Most do not know the facts.

    Despite the USA spending more on healthcare PER PERSON than any other country in the world, it has one of the highest death rates for children aged under five in the western world.

    To me, those figures are not morally acceptable.  And most, if they were aware that America pays more for a system that fails children would not find that morally acceptable either.

  4. What makes you think it's working for them ? M Moore? Up north they well tell you how great it is as it the only thing they think they have over us If they can afford it they come south Over the pond it's the same deal many Brits go to Thailand Just take a look at their dental hygiene it's not covered I've seen Brits rolling on the floor in pain a two week wait just to see a dentist

    Your to young to remember the USSR use to tell us how much better their system was than ours

    You bet you cannucks spend less and get more and this would explain why that women .i believe from Alberta ,came 500 mile to the U S to have her 6 babies  or why in eastern Canada when they had their 'bird flu' scare they came running to the CDC in U S of A to find out what it was

    I used the example of the USSR this poster is right up there with them ''Americans coming to Canada as they have no money'' as if we let people die in the street You know and I know this does not happen in America this is complete B /S He is insulting those Mexican women who run across to have their babies in American Don't they know we well not take care of them  Can you imagine the out cry an American insurance company sending a customer to Canada as it is cheaper What B/S and I'm nervous as it runs down hill and they are so close to us 80% within 50 miles close

    What utter B/S you should be ashamed

  5. No to mention there are so many different types of universal health care. It varies from country to country.

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