
Why does VP candidate Palin hate polar bears?

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Why does VP candidate Palin hate polar bears?




  1. Why does your entire family hate you?

  2. What makes you think that? Silly Goose!

  3. Because she found a Viet Cong teeger?  She doesn't want them swimming around her oil pipeline?  Because she's jealous of their hairstyles?  I don't know!

  4. A polar bear killed her father. And raped her mother.

  5. She doesn't.

    Why don't you get your facts straight before posting?

  6. Why should we save the Polar Bears? Melting ice is a part of nature, we can't stop it.

    And Polar Bears dont have rights, there animals. Why should we steal money from taxpayers to save polar bears? I

  7. Why diddnt your mom believe in abortion?

  8. They smell to high heavens and wear white ALL year, and you just KNOW what a fashion mistake that is!  

  9. They taste bad

  10. Because she is a capitalist christian fundamentalist that value a natural gas line that is unnecessary "but profitable" more than a native species that is the symbol summation of the environmental beauty that makes her state one of the natural wonders of the world.

  11. Are you a public school teacher? That sounds like something our government school educators would say to indoctrinate children.

    Is that the best you can do to vilify Governor Palin? I am soooo looking forward to this election.

  12. I love watching liberals squirm.

  13. You win the lamest question of the day award.

  14. *sigh*

    Why do you hate Palin?

  15. Because they kill fish

    Her husband makes his living as a commercial fisherman

  16. Probably for the same reason why alligators don't make good pets.

  17. Because they always vote democratic :).

  18. No She just thinks they take to long to cook.

  19. She didn't want them listed as endangered, so that their habitat could continue to be plundered.  

  20. Nope not at all

  21. why because she was against putting polar bears on the endangered species list when their populations have increased over the last 30 years?   umm thats just common sense.

    They (various special interest grps) wanted to put polar bears on the endangered species list because of what the think 'might' happen but hasnt happened so far.

  22. The only way to keep a polar bear from getting hair on the rug is to make the polar bear the rug.

    Polar bears mess with your garbage cans, p**p on your lawn and scare the children.  I hate them too.

    Damned bears are lucky they don't taste good.

  23. You do realize that despite their "Cute" image the enviro-nuts like to paint about the polar bear, the fact is Polar bears are dangerous, dirty and destructive creatures.

    I have been to Alaska, I know people who lost pets and livestock to polar bears, I know of people killed by the bears and several communities basically live in fear of those creatures.

    I know in the imaginary world of peace and love, the polar bear is a harmless critter being persecuted by big bad evil oil people.  But the fact is a bear would just as readily chew on your guts to help it survive for a long winter as it would rummage through your garbage.

    Polar bears like nearly all bears are scavengers and deadly predators.

    If Gov. Palin puts her people before the bears, then she is actually thinking and not buying a load of global sensitivity c**p from the far left.

  24. Does she? Provide proof please.

  25. Yawn.

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