
Why does Wall Street favor John McCain?

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Kinda makes me worried about all those Washington Lobbyists...and who is really in control. Your thoughts?




  1. I think Governer Paylin of Alaska is REALLY in control.That is McCains VP and I ove her already as president since McCain has skin Cancer and will probably hit the bucket soon :)

  2. Taxes.  Typically, the republican party has always worked to create ways to keep taxes low for corporate america and the US tax payer.  Wall St. will tumble if Obama is elected.  The democratic party will soon begin to demise ways to rewrite the tax codes to increase taxes on corporate america, including people like you and me.  The problem here is that once this happens, the new tax burden will be placed squarely on the shoulders of the american citizens.  If companies are having to pay more tax they will build this in as a cost factor and pass it down to us through higher cost on purchases.  The combination of this along with the increased tax burden place on us tax payers will slow the pace of the economy as consumer cut spending because of the higher cost and higher taxes.  You and I will have less money in our pockets to spend, and the cost of our products will go up.

  3. McCain likes to preach that he knows how to Win wars !

    Good luck America !  

  4. He's rich  

  5. because they want to keep making a living...  

  6. Because he is a Republican and plus free trade.

  7. Because Wall Street understands the economic implications of the two candidates policies better than you do.

  8. because he is the best man for the job at hand

  9. Because they represent Big Business over the little tax payer.  That's why Obama is going to be a sure winner this time.  Take that WSJ.

  10. he is the only one for this job...

  11. Because financial types are conservative by nature.

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