
Why does Washington get "breaks" for weeks?

by  |  earlier

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regular people have to work all year(I exclude the super-rich who can afford to take months of vacation in this), so why shouldn't the people who theoretically serve us work all year?




  1. It is so much worse then a few weeks off.  They don't even work 3 days a week when in session.  If you can find a link maybe on youtube Uncle Jay explains congress.

  2. I'd rather they only work for about a week or two out of the year. I'd be willing to pay them to stay away from work.

    The less time they spend in the office, the less they can s***w up.

  3. because they don't care, they just want the money, We Need to become ONE, like our forefathers did, We need to Become PATRIOTS!!! Join The Party by adding (Patriotic Party) to your display name! We won't take breaks, we want to serve this country and it's people, we need to awake from hibernation, we've been away from our standards for Far to LONG!!

  4. Rich Dems wasting our money

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