
Why does Windows Movie Maker keep giving me this error?

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"Windows Movie Maker cannot save the movie to the specified location. Verify that the original source files in your movie are still available, and that there is enough free disk space available, and then try again."

All the files imported to make my movie have not been tempered with AT ALL!!

Is there something I can do?




  1. You're not the only one who has this problem.

    I had your problem with saving videos.

    I found out what was wrong.

    There is a certain complexity of a video that WMM has a limit of before it stops saving for you.  (My first problem came with a ten-minute long video full of fades and crossfades and effects galore.)  Anyway, once you get to this limit, you need to start cutting your video into smaller portions.  For example, for my ten-minute video, I zoomed out enough that I could see the whole thing in the screen without having to scroll.  I highlighted the whole second half (JUST the second half) and hit CUT.  I deleted my audio clip (which isn't necessary, but makes it easier to see the end of the video when you ultimately save it) and hit the "Save to my computer" button...and it still didn't work.  (In a shorter, even less complex video, it would have.)  So, I saved the first half in that file and the second half in another WMM file, and started cutting each of those halves in half.

    And -- It worked!  I was finally able to save my video.  Of course, then I had to re-import all those separate save files, put them in the right order in the video, with the audio, and save it again, but it worked!

    I hope this helps!  At first I thought it wasn't my problem, but it was!  So I suggest trying it and seeing if it's the same issue.  Who knows?  Doesn't hurt to try.

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