
Why does YA allow hateful, racist questions to remain , yet questions or comments about atheism are deleted ?

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  1. I got an answer deleted because I said it was in the wrong section, which it was.

    I think it is just a simple matter of whether the person asking the question gets a wee bit upset, presses the 'abuse button,' and its bye, bye time. After all, it is supposed to be 'automated.'

  2. here's my theory-  yes that question is insulting, and just plain racist and awful!  

    But did you notice?  There are more than FIFTY people who answered it.

    50!  most were telling him off, many said "i'm reporting this!"  but that's not what the automated answer screener looks at.

    It sees 50 answers, maybe what...?  10 reports? and the question stays....  That's why it's best NOT to answer it, just report it!!

  3. Yahoo is automated !

    People reporting answers is really the mechanism that determines whether an answer stays or go's.

    EDIT : There may be in fact One or two people who put up the paying ad's that we all see.

    Somebody who Edits the web site.

    They may do some deleting but there are so many Q&A Police here already doing there job for them.

  4. I'm not sure what you're getting at, but most of the deliberately racist or hateful questions I've seen get deleted.

  5. This is the question he means:;...

    I agree--the Y! team is a bunch of fundies.  

  6. I haven't noticed that at all.  Let's see how fast this gets deleted.  

  7. Surely you don't mean to suggest that criticism of atheism is deleted. In general, Yahoo seems to consider atheists "fair game".  

  8.   I  do not know  but that  was uncalled for and  I  also  reported  it.

  9. Yahoo Answers only let's "certain" racist questions stay. For example you can't ask "why are asian people taking the bullet for affirmative action?" but you can say "why are blacks so lazy?'

    Same with religion


  11. As I understand it, the violation process is mostly automated.  If a question gets reported enough it gets deleted, the only time anyone from Yahoo! will actually look at the question is if the violation is appealed.

  12. I do not agree with you fully.

    there are all types of questions that are deleted if the YA finds it is against their Terms and Conditions, or unparliamentary language is used.

  13. I was wondering why that racist question was still up myself. I reported it myself.  

  14. It's not YA. It's the people who are more likely to get their feathers in a ruffle and report. Atheists don't get ruffled that easily.

  15. Maybe there are a lot of racist Christians on the staff of YA

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