
Why does YA keep deleting my questions?

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Anytime someone disagrees with me they convinces YA to delete me. What happened to Freedom of Speech?




  1. Happens to the best of us.  Half the time they don't even post my questions unless I reword them differently.

  2. Simple. Because you posted a question that violated the community guidelines.

    Freedom of speech does not apply to privately owned servers such as these. The first amendment constrains the government, not private individuals or corporations

  3. freedom of speech doesn't apply when you are not following the community guidlines on a site owned by someone else.

    that being said...I really don't get why Yahoo would devote resources to regulate speech on the internet....  seems like a losing battle to me.

  4. I just went through the same thing...If your question is really a question, not a troll attempt or insult, then follow the link that lets you disagree with them. Include your Id you used at the time, the question, and an explanation on why they are wrong. Remember, If enough people report you, the question is deleted automatically, it's not reviewed b a human, so you must challenge is then flagged for review by a person, and you should have the question restored!!

  5. its the way you word them, you can never ask a question like, WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT MCCAIN, it has to be asked this way, John McCain is very old and senile, is that true?

  6. thin skinned whimps on both sides report.

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