
Why does YA tell me they are takign a breather when I ask an Obama question but let me post this question?

by  |  earlier

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I tried to post a question about Obamas stance on offsshore drilling and they said they were taking a breather, yet this quetion will post. Why is that?




  1. i get that too....they do it quite often - but, if you refresh the will carry on as normal - it's nothing to worry about!

    p.s. i don't think you are paranoid...ignore the question above me!!  silly!!

  2. YA is controlled by left winged Yahoos. Its much easier not to face the truth than it is to admit your guy is a fraud

  3. I just had a similar thing happen to me when trying to answer a Lib railing against conservatives... and yet this one posts.


  4. I have been getting that whenever I type an answer about the "problems" with YA reporting system or this new layout.. conicidence?? You are supposed to be able to hit the back button, wait a few sec. and it doesn't.  The forum says it's because too many people are using the site right now.. I have my opinions on what it is but I won't say. I tried last night for over an hour to post an answer and finally just gave up.

  5. I get that too when I try to answer stupid anti-Obama questions like yours. Get over your paranoia. No one is out to get you.

    VOTE OBAMA In '08!!  

  6. Why the paranoia?  THOUSANDS of Obama related questions get posted.  I doubt Y!A cares about yours.

  7. LOL-the "obamafiles" website  fails to open today.Go figure.Well,I have plarnty of others.Just chance I guess.

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