
Why does YH allow all kinds of attacks on Christians?

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but will stop you form comments on sexual deviants?




  1. good question, i think some people just like to attack others for no apparent reason. perhaps they should get a life.

  2. Your question might be its own answer.

    When you talk about your faith, do you feel attacked if someone else finds an inconsistency or a poor choice of words, and has some fun with you?

    When someone else talks about their lifestyle as if it was normal, do you feel a need to try to tell them to stop their perverted ways?

    When someone is doing something awful, do you just tell it like it is and put it all right out there, telling them just how awful they are?

    You could get such ideas from the Bible, since in the Bible, holy men are often shown insulting bad people. However, that's not really a useful way of getting others to look at their behavior and seriously consider changing. In fact, it might be the stupidest way to do it, since it is virtually guaranteed to make the other person dig in his heels and refuse to listen to you. I realize that's what some folks really want, but I don't think it's what God wants, and it certainly isn't helpful.

    The Bible suggests that if you want to get your point across, you should be wise as a serpent, harmless as a dove.

    A gentle voice turns away wrath, but grievous words stir up anger. That's in there too. Think about it.

    Jesus never spoke to another except in love. When you feel you have to speak to someone, wait until the only thing you have to say to them is love, then speak only love to them. You'll be happier, you'll have more and better friends, and you won't have a hypertension problem when you get older.

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