
Why does Yahoo News have an OBAMA story every day - not even real news stories on him - but little on McCain?

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EVERY DAY for weeks I am stuck with an Obama story in my mailbox via Yahoo News. And the so-called stories aren't even news story. I mean on father's day, come on, the TOP story in the WHOLE WORLD is something obama says about parenting?! THAT'S NEWS????. Is some guy sitting somewhere at Yahoo thinking he's terribly clever to be using Yahoo News to promote his ideas and not just cover news? I've always liked Yahoo. My respect is gone with this blatant abuse.




  1. The media loves him, they have since day 1, that's why Hilary got beat up so much, that's why McCain get's no love.

    He's a talker, not a doer, not one pay check of his in the last 15 years has been anything but Government funded. How's he going to relate to me working +80 hours a week?

  2. Hoo Rah!!!

    Dittos, Someone at yahoo must have recieved a bribe, why else help Obama become the next terrorist to enter office.

  3. They just think Obama is big news, he's black, young, and a bit of fresh air. McCain is the same politician who has run since the Kennedy's. They think Obama is someone people want to hear about, and they think McCain is someone people already know about, or aren't interested in knowing about.

    It's basically a clear biased, but the media is Liberal anyhow, so watcha gonna do?

  4. Yahoo is a liberal news source, just like CNN, NBC, ABC and CBS as well as most of the cable news networks. They are all in the tank for Obama.  It would be funny if it weren't so sad.  The only network that is not in the tank for Obama is FOX.  They tend to lean conservative. I don't believe there is any network that doesn't let their political views influence how they report the news.

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