
Why does Yahoo always take "a breather" when they don't want you to answer a question?

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Is it because they know you are a level 7 and can't stop you any other way?

I have answered 4 questions and they already cut me off from answering.

Do you think they are just typical right-wingers?




  1. Don't be a self- centered twit.  They do it to everybody.

  2. Y/A is NOT on the side of the right, in fact they fall further to the left, possibly as far as Google is.

    But I find that they are always taking a breather when I answer a question that specifically points out something against the left. No matter how many times I try Y/A is taking a breather until I delete the objectionable language.

    I don't know if they are looking at keywords or what it is but it pisses me off when they do that.  

  3. I have been censored numerous times the same way. If they don't like your conservative views, they cut you off with a "breather". I love it. If they think this will stop the right wing movement, chop away. Liberals have a way of digging their own holes. Morality is a hard thing to beat.

  4. There are several reasons why these Breather messages appear, and hear they are:

    1) You already reached your daily limit to answer questions.

    2) There are the same links in in several Q&A's.

    3) While you were writing down your answer, the question was removed.

    4) There are more than four links in your answer.

    5) You voted too fast

    6) Your Y!A behavior is similar to a Spammer so you are being blocked

    7) You have been on the system too long

    8) Your browser's cookies are sending the wrong info

    9) You used the percent sign or the plus sign in your answer.

    10) You have been on the answer's page for more than three minutes without doing anything.

    Hope I helped!

  5. well im a level 1 and it does the same

    they just like to mess with us

  6. No, Not partisan, Yahoo is an equal opportunity dictator.

  7. You know I hate to agree with you, but I've been having the same problem. It's soooo annoying! You also know that Yahoo is NOT owned by "typical right-wingers," but by very liberal people like most who are in the Internet industry. They wouldn't be stopping me, would they? I've had problems just answering language questions in the R&S section, so it isn't just about politics. I wish they'd hurry up and finish whatever "upgrades" they're making, though.

    I must admit that they tend to do this on the questions you really, really want to answer. They're doing it again. It sure does seem suspicious.

    Have you tried copying your question, going back to the list of questions, and answering it again? I think it worked yesterday for me, but it isn't right now.

  8. Ive had the same problem with questions from liberals,I figured it was a socialist movement to quiet down the truth.

  9. im also a level 1 but i think they do that cause thay hate me -.-

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