
Why does Yahoo and their partners post such stupid finance articles?

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This is just one example:

Yeah, let's just sugar-coat the REAL problems like the credit crisis, inflation, declining US dollar, zero manufacturing jobs...etc.

And post articles with great advice like, "Don't go to Starbucks everyday" or "Sign up for so you can flop at a stranger's house when you lose yours."

What ever happened to the media educating consumers on the cause of the problem and not just masking the symptoms?? Why don't they try to intelligently convey to our citizens what's really going on. I read more fluff like this everyday on the main page and it makes me want to puke. You have to dig deep and do real research to find out any useful information.

Why not solve the root of the problem instead of doing a little pruning?




  1. Yahoo is largely controlled by pro-republican media censors. It is not in the interest of this group to make young people (the majority of yahoo users) politically aware. When you look at the featured questions at yahoo they are largely of this airheaded type that assume people all think the worse that can happen in the new economy is that you have to get a new degree from an on-line college. The reality, that we are in a national AND global depression from which we are unlikely to emerge for a decade, does not suit the sponsors, who want young Americans to keep being a economically uninformed as their parents, who got them into this mess with their uncontrolled selfishness and lack of foresight.

  2. Yahoo is in the entertainment business, not the education business.

    Expecting to find substantive financial advice on Yahoo is like expecting to find filet mignon at McDonald's.

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