
Why does Yahoo! pick news articles that smear McCain and make Obama look like a saint?

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Every day I check my e-mail here, I see articles that make Barack Obama seem like the dream President who will save the country/world/universe, while John McCain is portrayed as an aggressive, grumpy old neocon collaborating with the evil Bush syndicate and perhaps the devil himself.

Any rational person knows that this is not true, and if you believe this, you've been horribly deceived.

It seems like whoever is picking the news articles is significantly biased towards the extreme left, like most of the mainstream media is nowadays. You'd think a Web 2.0 site would be better than that.

Thumbs down Yahoo. Big thumbs down.




  1. They do not, that is just your biased perception of items they carry.

  2. It comes down to the fact that Obama is the first black man with a chance at the Presidency. Obviously, this doesn't happen everyday, so they're gonna hype the **** out of this.

  3. Well, Yahoo! may not realize what their doing. NEITHER, McCain nor Obama are saints and we won't know what they will do for our country until their time comes. I'm not sure who I want to be president but I believe that both have good chances of becoming president!

  4. Actually, I think it's because Yahoo! News links a lot from The Nation (a left-leaning news source) a lot, so it's techinically not Yahoo! News's fault.

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