
Why does Yahoo search text box only show top half of text. No problem in Google or Altavista.?

by Guest10878  |  earlier

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When I turn on script debugging I don't get error msg. The text in the search textbox pops up again while I'm typing, when the javascript hints window opens. Looks like the shaded areas overlap, the light gray shaded area seems to shrink the text box from below. Search text hides again when click search. Pixel fixed graphics change when screen res changes but not this problem. This is IE6. No problem in Firefox 2.0 (except for background image overlap), but "view source" shows Yahoo downloading different files to IE than Firefox. Both load "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha... and I had DX problems with some games. The question link shows initial "Why" is offset up but rest of question text OK, add details window is OK.




  1. I would recommend clicking "refresh" at the top of your browser's window to see if that helps because the page could have had a script error or something causing the page to not load right.  If that still doesn't work I would recommend getting a hold of a Yahoo customer service representative as well to see what they think could be going on.

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