
Why does Youtube allow violence but not p**n? What's more dangerous to society?

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I am intrigued as to why governments and corporations are so anti-pornography and nudity but love glorifying violence. The US government have been trying to shut the p**n industry down for years. Little things like Janet Jackson flashing her boob can cause outrage in your country but it's ok for millions of families to sit in front of the tv and watch ice-hockey 'role models' beat the h**l out of each other because it's in the rules. I can go on youtube and see gangs of kids bullying other children but they refuse to take the content off because it's a "reflection of society". What a crock of cr**!!!




  1. Yes, I find that facet of American culture interesting. I hear it's quite the opposite in Europe. Perhaps it's a result of the frighteningly powerful influence the Christian church has on America.

  2. depending ont he movies seen where kind of violence is viewed to give a lesson to the viewers. or make them know being wild harms but p**n can't be supported, nosense only incrementing on absene and degeneration.

  3. i dunno how youtube regulates, but i think in general its really difficult to classify what is violent and what is 'slapstick'

    look at youve been framed or takeshis castle - people getting hurt, and its just, well funny.

    movies, comedy shows shown at 7pm, cartoons - lots and lots of people getting hurt. there are films marketed as funny where people get the c**p beaten out of them, like 50 first dates or most ben stiller/jim carrey movies. then there's 'happy slapping' that everyone agrees is just wrong, but slapstick has a long and rich history of making people all over the world roar with laughter

    its like the difference between tom & jerry and itchy & scratchy - is matt groening getting involved in the debate too??

  4. well forget the you and insert p..... and see what you get..

  5. See the thing is s*x makes people feel good and although staged violence might be good to watch but real violence can wreck people's lives so this just proves that americans are completly backwards.

    To put it simply s*x=good violence=bad

    in america s*x=bad violence=good.

  6. you are right, i myself would sooner view a adult clip then watch someone getting kicked in.

    youtube is sick if you ask me if they think things like that is fun to watch the site needs to be closed down.

    but sadly the site gets many many hits a day and this stuff is in demand it just shows the mixed up crazy world we live in

    kind regards x kitti x

  7. it has p**n these days, watched some today, but not with p**n or related titles

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