
Why does Zoloft+Risperdal make me sleepy?

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have been on 250mg Zoloft for OCD. Doctor added 1mg Risperdal (before going to bed), tried it once and the next day i couldn't stay up more than 4 hours. Went back to sleep again.

is that normal? am <50kgs (underweight to be specific)




  1. Zoloft and Paxil are both absolutely horrible for you. There are many other ways to solve your mental health problems without taking a pill but sadly, most doctors don&#039;t consider those options.

    I was on Paxil and it did the exact same thing. It put me to sleep. I remember sleeping for several hours in addition to a regular 8 hour night of sleep!

    As far as Zoloft, you should definitely read this:

    1. Birth Defects

    2. Sexual Side Effects

    3. Suicide

    Not to mention if you should decide to stop, there is a high chance for WITHDRAWAL SYMTPOMS.

    Best of luck and I hope this helped you.


  2. Yes, it is normal.  I was on Risperdal for several years and tried several different antidepressants (including Zoloft), and I was ALWAYS tired.  Antipsychotics like Risperdal and most antidepressants carry a sleepiness effect, but the degree to which a person is affected varies.  I would discuss your sleepiness with your doctor, as lethargy can be a very big incentive to stop taking the medication.

    Also, on a side note, if you choose to stay on Risperdal I can guarantee you will not remain underweight.  Risperdal and similar antipsychotics make people pack on the pounds.

    As for the person who said that Risperdal has bad withdrawal effects, they vary from person to person and if done by a licensed professional, a person might not experience any withdrawal symptoms at all.

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