
Why does a Coronation happen months after a Monarch ascends the throne?

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I am sure some will answer by saying that it is the planning that takes the time, but a funeral happens the following week so why not a coronation?




  1. I don't think there is a great rush to be coronated as when the monarch dies, the next in line automatically becomes King/Queen. Then the coronation can wait as a mark of respect. I think.

  2. The Monarch, to be, has a right to personal considerations.

  3. It is a tradition to wait.It does take time to plan and carry out a personalized pageant.You probably didn't know that funerals of the royals are planned YEARS ahead of time. The Queen Mother used to watch the troops rehearse her funeral;she even made suggestions.One was that a certain horse not take part of the procession because it was easily spooked.

    A coronation has extras that require time to prepare.The crown jewels crowns have to be fit to the current monarch's head size. Coronation robes,gowns have to be made. Invitations are sent,but there is a protocol of who to invite that is followed.Were you aware that reigning sovereigns are not invited to coronations,but members of their courts are?

    Add  to this a certain period of COURT MOURNING;family members need to adjust to the loss.The new monarch also needs time to adjust to her/his new job as well.

    Parliament has to adjust to the new sovereign.

    Currency and stamps that bear the resemblance of the new monarch must be designed,approved,and made.

    And all of this takes time.

  4. As the others have said, their are several reasons for the time gap.

    First, is out of respect for the late sovereign. The new king/queen gets their job because their parent has died. It's difficult. The nation is in mourning, the court is in mourning. You need a suitable period of time to pass before any public displays of celebration.

    Secondly, while a sovereign's life is planned to the last detail, it does take time to muster everyone who needs to be gathered. There are officials to invite from around the world. The moment a monarch is crowned, people are planning for his/her death. They also have plans in place for the deaths of significant members of the family. So people know who has to do what, but they also have to allow other heads of state to alter their schedules.

    Thirdly, the planners want to find a suitable date on the calendar. You don't necessarily want the coronation to take place on a public holiday. You don't want it to happen on a date that has unfortunate connections, like say 9/11.

    Finally, the delay allows the royal mints to issue new currency. It allows the post office to change the stamps. It allows public buildings to replace official portraits. It lets various government agencies and professions to change their stationary. And it allows manufacturers and merchants an opportunity to produce coronation souvenirs.

    Death of a monarch is complicated, all encompassing and big business.

  5. I'm sure that the Coronation takes so long simply because there will be matters of state to organise, the protocol within the Establishment, but mainly because of those factors linked to currency and legal tender such as the stamps etc. bearing the Royal image.  The fact that the member of the Royal family may be mourning is a personal response which would not be considered to get in the way too much. The present Queen was informed of her accession when in Kenya, she was pronounced Queen then, and annointed Monarch at the Coronation.  And of course nowadays, this is big business!

  6. Because a cornonation takes much more time to organise.  You don't organise a wedding in a week.

  7. ...takes a looooooooong time to l**k all those invitation envelopes.  Sorry, but it very likely is in the preparation.  It's a very distinguished ceremony with century old traditions.  Not an over-night success.

    A funeral does not always happen in the week following a Royal death, but there is far less preparation and no pomp and circumstance tied to a funeral.

  8. An interesting question!

    I was going to say because of the time to plan and organise it, but you made me think.

    Perhaps it still is, though.  A funeral HAS to take place quickly and you can plan in advance for it.  You can, if you want to, delay the coronation so it's as good as it possibly could be.

    And I think Pammy is right.  It's so the celebration of the new monarch is not tinged by too much grief over the death of the previous monarch

  9. One main reason is a strict ROYAL PROTOCOL that needs to be followed. Invitations to the ceremony extend to many monarchs, head of states, etc, etc. Guests need to receive the invitation long before the actual ceremony. Only exceptional circumstances would rush the coronation. Queen Elizabeth II's coronation  was not postponed because it was the dying wish of her grandmother Queen Mary.

    I'll add more details later



    I wasn't aware that reigning monarchs are not invited, I watched Elizabeth II coronation and all, read about it and you are right! THX for the info ☺

  10. A funeral happens the following week because after that the body starts to decay fairly rapidly. A coronation has to be planned  as it is not known when it will occur requires a lot more planning (the Queen's funeral is already planned down to the last detail as was the Queen Mother's).

  11. cos it takes alot to organise one of those babies

  12. There is rather more to plan for all the pomp of a coronation than a funeral.

  13. because one plans for the funeral of a monarch............the coronation may not be the person expected to succeed/ascend to the throne it has to be planned and to have dignitaries there  for the funeral they may send a representative due to the time allowed (but they could have a memorial service later)  but for the coronation the heads of state for countries  would want to be  there in person plus there ate the tv planning as well to get the lighting arranged   the route covered with camera's    and the common folk wanting to line the route to see the pageantry...........and again the new ruler has just lost a parent would you want the throw a huge party so soon after ????? think about it

    however in the past they would have happened quickly as it would only matter to nobility with in these shores and travel time was so much longer life expectancy wasn't as long as now

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