
Why does a brown cow make white milk if it only eats green grass??

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Why does a brown cow make white milk if it only eats green grass??




  1. I DO NOT KNOW THIS ANS. BUT I THINK THE ANS. IS A GREAT ONE and I would like to know the answer

    so I allot to the person who ask the question.


  2. I don't know =P cause it nature!

  3. Because she is pregnant.  The color of the cow is irrelevant.  The grass it eats is irrelevant.  Cows produce milk for the very same reason that human beings do...pregnancy.

    I could give you different examples of similar situations, but I won't go there.  Think human reproduction, and the similarities in the processes across different races and colors...  ;)

  4. Ever thought of the colour of human milk and some of the c**p we eat?

    The colour of bodily fluids has nothing to do with skin colour or nutrition.

  5. a cow has to be in calf to make milk, it will be somthing to do with pigment

    why is woman milk white;)

  6. When have you ever seen a brown cow giving white milk!?

    If you have then the cow was dyed!

    Everybody knows brown cows only give chocolate milk!

    All animals give food stuffs along with their corresponding colour!

  7. when a woman breast feeds the colour of her milk doesn't resemble what she has eaten!

  8. ask your maid to eat some grass to see if the same thing happens..

  9. Because the milk contains s***n.

  10. stop talking brown S**t

  11. Because milk contains tiny particles of fat, which makes it look white.

  12. A cow has two stomachs. Its a female that produces the milk not a male. .

    If you recall females produce milk.

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