
Why does a can of beer float in water, but a can of soda does not?

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Why does this happen?




  1. A way to measure alcohol content in home brewing is by changes in density. As the yeasts convert sugar to alcohol a lot of CO2 is produced,  therefor what is remaining is less dense. So a can of soda(sugar water) would naturally be less dense than a can of beer(alcohol water).

  2. Because beer is lighter than water but soda is not. The weight of a volume of water equivalent to the volume of a beer can is more than the beer can weighs, so the beer can floats. Same reason ships float - they weigh less than the water they displace.

  3. Alcohol is lighter than water; so it floats.

  4. It could be the yeast and the hops that are put into the beer and soda sinks because it doesn't have either, just carbination.

  5. probalbly the can of soda has more weight than a can of beer, and they both oust the same amount of water...

  6. I did not know that it did. But if this is the case I think it goes something like this.

    Density. The beer is a less dense liquid than the cola.

    Beer too had sugar in its early stages of brewing. But the yeast used converted the sugar to alcohol and carbon dioxide (CO2). This is done at about a 50/50 rate. So that the sugar was converted by its weight to half ethyl alcohol and half CO2. The flip is in loss and density.

    Much of the CO2 is lost in the brewing process to the environment. Alcohol is a less dense liquid (chemical) than the sugar in the cola as compared with water.

    So the alcohol containing beer floats and the cola sinks.

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