
Why does a chick's v****a smell like fish after they've had their period?

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Seems like a lotta people mention that it does happen as an answer to why a chick's v****a has a fishy smell but never exactly why it smells during or after their period.

Thanks, love.




  1. Maybe it's cause the blood smells like fish.

  2. I would say only dirty disgusting girls would smell like that. If you keep yourself clean there should be no smell at all.  

  3. It should never smell fishy.That is a sign of infection. They need to go to a doctor

  4. Mine never, ever, EVER smells that way... That can be a sign of infection..

  5. It shouldn't smell strongly of anything... least of all fish!

    The only times i've ever had it smell "funny" is after s*x when he comes inside me. Then theres definitely a different smell for a day or two but even then i wouldn't say it smells "fishy".  

  6. ugh!!! y do you need to kno?? perve

  7. Not this v****a!!!! Please.

  8. It shouldn't after their period.

    But during, well of course the endometrium lining won't smell like roses but I wouldn't say it has a "fish" smell..ew I'm sorry but that is just gross.  Uhm well when a woman releases her lining it has been building up for a while, so you can imagine it's not a pleasant thing for all 5 senses.

  9. I have only ever smelled a guys sperm and every guy I have known sperms smells fishy.

  10. i agree with you







  11. heres the thing...the period blood smells because its been up there for a long time in the body. but if you have good hygiene nobody should notice it. if a girl smells like fish, its because she is not taking care of herself during that time [ not showering,  not changing pads/tampons often etc]

  12. that is gross!!

    tell her to take a bath!

    and maybe drink some herbal tea.


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