
Why does a community stop a recycling program?

by Guest56684  |  earlier

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In Mentor, Ohio, they stopped the recyling program but offered that we could drive our recylables to a location to dump.

As a result, hardly anyone recycles.




  1. I have no Idea whose bonehead idea it was to stop the recycling program in your community.  Too bad.  But I have a solution.  Why dont you go to and start a community recycling website of which you would be the moderator.  Its designed to give your old things new life in other peoples hands and to save tons of things that are reuseable from winding up in the dump and costing the taxpayers money.  It brings the community together and is an environmental effort by all to help each other.  Everything must be offered for free.  Its not about money.  (smiles)  Good luck!!  Kimberly

  2. I can't believe your leaders in your community has done so. See if you can get more input, and if possible encourage them to follow the recycling standards California has(this is the web page you need: Probably your municipality doesn't care too much, but see what your state(OH) has to offer in regards to the ecology, & feel free to get in touch with me, if you need more information. Say no to waste, and remember: the ecology does pay. Good luck.

  3. hello wake up global warming

  4. You would want to ask those who made the decision, but some reasons might be that it was costing more to recycle than to dump, that less and less was being recycled, that sale of recycle materials is impossible... everyone is asking to be paid to take the stuff.

  5. They might have stopped it, probably because the city does not have enough funds to support recycling bins in the community, when you mention a location to dump is it a proper landfill or transfer station? if not then we have a serious problem and the city is probably in violation of state waste disposal regulations. It is really disconcerting when a local government  does not carry a proper recycling program since it could bring greater benefits to them and the community in the long run: it would save them more landfill space by extending its life capacity therefore concentrating more on municipal solid waste disposal, it could bring more revenues to the city by selling their recyclable material to outside parties (suppliers and transporters who process recyclables like plastic) and it would avoid future  health issues since plastic bags and paper are commonly dumped on streets blocking manholes, which can cause the collapse of sewer lines causing flooding which can cause a vector problem and illnesses.

  6. Mismanagement.  I'm a business student, and I've studied corporate recycling programs.  A properly managed recycling program can make millions (why else would a major company do it?)  Think about how much money it costs to extract raw materials and make them into something useful.  If you're city stopped their recycling program, it means they are hoping you won't notice that they would rather pay millions (or tens/hundreds of millions, depending on the city size) to landfill your trash rather then taking the time and energy to design a profitable recycling program.  It COULD be a revenue source instead of a cost center, which would then lower your taxes, but it's easier this way.

  7. Recycling is very expensive and recycled products are inferior in quality. If there is not much demand of recycled products in the market, then....... stopping of recycling programmes is natural.



  9. Perhaps you could suggest they have drop off points. Our council has several which is a reasonably good system even if they do always seem full. That just shows they are being used as I know they are regularly emptied. Can't hurt to ring them or get a petition going.

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